Like taking tokens or driving the train?
Like taking tokens or driving the train?
Only us oldies may get that reference. That definition in Urban Dictionary is 4th with only 50/50 approval.
Cynical answer: They want you in their cloud. It hinders mobility between platforms; it costs money to store large amounts; and it costs bandwidth to access it.
Cynical answer: They want you in their cloud. It hinders mobility between platforms; it costs money to store large…
I follow Tesla stuff a bit and even I had no idea they had those! Cool.
You know when you read something too true and have an epiphany. This is one of those moments...
Just to make sure it’s stuck in everyone else’s head also...
Sounds homey.
‘time traveling’
People always remember the good ‘ol days. But this has been in NASCAR (and most top racing series) since the beginning of time.
Well, i wa s just lamenting the fact that I’m leaving Austin, but am reletively close to the Alamo, i should see it. Being a couple hours out the way, this 1 would help offset.
Nah. This is the internet after all!
What’s that you were saying?
I like that US is becoming more like Russia... In respect to dashcams.
Something something oil her...
No... the worst.
I’ve only bought 1 car from a dealer myself, but helped a few others long ago, when I was young and stupid. We all got dealer financing. I paid off mine in half the time, tho (knowing math...). If I needed to today, I’d get outside financing or, if i could, your last option of getting dealer financing and then paying…
Video blocked 😠
/And/ the rain held off once the race started...
I might be insane (might?), but I just bought a GA ticket from CL.