Think! aka anotherburner111122223333

Hmmm... you seem angry. I just asked for 1, but thanks for several in the same area. I could do the same showing none in many other areas.

Where are you seeing Yield signs on onramps? I’ve driven all over the country and have only seen them a couple times- only when there’s very little merging lane due to a bridge or some other obsticle. I even just went and checked the street views around me and there are none.

I’ve been thinking about a double DIN android unit for a while.

I’ve been thinking about a double DIN android unit for a while.

Yup. I can only watch him in small portions.

And yet the only free press I’ve seen about them is Ford suing people. (But then again, I don’t follow any celebrities/influencers (except $kay; she should definitely get one))

Also a good read in that same paper:

Makes perfect sense to me. What is the biggest concern that electric vehicle buyers have?

Despite what Kinja told me, I ‘Recommend’ this comment.

Is this because the Kinja ‘stars’ seem to be changing...?

Oh ya? Interesting. I’ll try it. The feel, of course, wont be the same. And im not sure i want to use my NES on the SNES...

Oh ya? Interesting. I’ll try it. The feel, of course, wont be the same. And im not sure i want to use my NES on the

Please don’t try to make this a cleanliness issue. Those little suckers can hide anywhere and the most clean environment can get infested. Tying them to cleaniness furthers a stigma attached to those who get infested.

Oh. Thats a big list... Guess I'm skipping this bonding activity.

If your in a mobile browser, I just had to scroll down.

Move Bitch - Ludacris

‘vintage escort'? ::Shudder:: I'm not googling that /anywhere/.

I was (half) surprised the NES came with only 1, when the SNES came with 2. I got mine the day of second release by walking into a Best Buy. Just looked and saw a second controller on Amazon is $35! And its probably a knockoff at that. Official ones are MSRP $10 I hear.

I was (half) surprised the NES came with only 1, when the SNES came with 2. I got mine the day of second release by

Point of order!

In the video they show a ‘Log Out’ link in Amazon, but, in my best recollection, it usually wouldn’t say ‘Log Out’. You had to lie and click the ‘Not Think?’ button....

That’s very good of you. And maybe more do it too, but I haven’t run into any when i actually had a recall active. And they didn't tell me they did the check. But that’s why I genuinely asked.

Aaaaaaaaaand apartently no one in the crowd was impressed....