Think! aka anotherburner111122223333

Are they coming over to help him because he beached it?

I’d agree with you, but the seller at the ebay link seems to be marketing it as a cold air intake in the intercooler styling. “Gives you that agressive look!”. So...

Ya. But there are a lot of useless styling things that have been put on cars since the beginning of time. Fins didn’t help them fly, spoilers don’t really spoil anything useful, and chins don’t help them get into late night TV...

But paint don’t get ya home either...

Are you surrrrrrrrre?

Now playing

What, you dont want to see the sky and dashboard?

Eh. I don’t do it, but I don’t see the big deal about this one. Typically does not create a disadvantage or hazard for anyone...

Yup, that’s where i encoutered it... So confused...

I’ve never seen this in NY, but i did run across this in a rental car in TX. It confused me as to why rental place was pushing so hard for you to use their pre-installed EZPass, bc i’d planned on vash(work trip). But then i blew thru a section of highway that was EZPass only (google maps’ fault!) So the toll went to

Stop making these people try to act!

Cool video, but i didn’t like the ‘reality TV’ style of editing: showing a portion of the ending first, then back the the beginning of the story to show the whole thing. That infuriates me.

I heard 54 also, but NASCAR standings page says 58. Im not sure if they are factoring in everything the other drivers are doing in real time; like how Gilliland or Allgaier are doing.

Fake! They used their blinkers.

From the leed, i was kind of looking for a steer to run into the van...

Are you sure? I know there’s a Wyoming, RI...

*pounds. So, that’s like, a few hundred dollars, right?

im truely impressed by the amount of data it has on all the other objects not immediately involved!

its not going to be the politicians. itll be the insurance companies jacking up rates until it is so cost prohibitive for meatbag drivers to be at the wheel first.

Ya... We suck.

It doesnt even have the correct vents infront of the doors for a 49. Those are 51 plus i beliveve. Arggggggg!