Think! aka anotherburner111122223333

I dont understand how he could possibly even call this a ‘1949’ vehicle. The only thing from that era is the style of the body panels (which i bet have all been replaced also). Everything else about itit; interior, chassis, engine, wheels, etc. Is newnew i know its not only him that does this, but it annoys me.

Just to pile on, but you mean 3 EDT.

Just to pile on, but you mean 3 EDT.

I was told once that AAA wouldnt tow twice for the same issue; especially from the shop they just towed it to...

But would we know all this if we followed you on Twitter?

Ya... That exchange makes no sense as written. I know what he’s getting at, but failed.

South Dakota is gonna need a new safety campaign...

Wholy cow. Yes, please. I don’t even know what’s there besides this landing strip, but i want to go to there.

‘Landing’ or ‘attempting to land'?

Arguably, at the finish, anyplace paved is the racing line :)

It looks like he was still racing guy in yellow right behind him right up until finish line. Probably using mirrors a lot and not expecting an extremely unlikely suddenly slowed vehicle anywhere on track in front of him. Can’t blame him for that.

He was still racing guy in yellow right behind him. And, anyone knows they use rear mirrors alot near end of race. Stopping anywhere along finish line just asking for trouble.

The other guy was still racing with the guy behind him. Probably driving while looking in the rear view. And, while glancing front periodically, didnt see any obsticles. It looks to me that the guy practically stopped at the finish line.;Something that no resonable person racing can expect. It was reckless.

I’ve heard they won’t pay out in these kinds of cases... But unsure.

To add to that, I’ve also heard that insurance won’t pay out in situations like this.

If you recall, they actually poked fun at this in one commercial, where someone asked about the accent. He began to answer and then it cut to my pet pieve, the tag line:

Thank you too. I appreciate the conversation also. Safe driving! :)

I couldn’t stop staring and desiring these things all over Aussieland a few months ago. Sad we don’t have them.

I feared the responses to this question, but the Jalop community has made me swell with pride.

You’ve been reading a lot of Throb lately, haven’t you?

I dont see the connection, but any reference to the Q i can get behind.