But not all. And thats a big problem too, no consistancy.
But not all. And thats a big problem too, no consistancy.
I replied to the wrong one of your posts, but you get the idea :)
And that’s where we differ. I want my tax dollars being used by the Executive branch to enforce ALL the laws; not just the ones they decide on their own are important. Pull over the speeders. Pull over the people blocking the PASSING LANE. Pull over those not using blinkers. Even if it is me (And i, like you, speed,…
And that’s what this article is saying; enforce ‘keep right except to pass’. Speeding or not plays no role in that regulation.
“I’ve for this Groupon for 75% off tires at Pep’s place and cleaned him out! I’m going to try and convince his sons to honor it, too. Get in!”
Yes, many have pointed this out, but only applicable to CA. Based on my research 2 out of 3 states I regularly drive in prohibit it, so its a lousy system. And I’m clearly not advocating tailgating. That’s a thousand times worse.
Ya, but there’s really only 10 miles of highway there :)
“if you are going along in the right lane and come up on somebody in the left who is going slower, do you slow down, move over to the left lane and wait for that person to move over? “
I didn’t click thru but I’ll take your word for it. Tho I would say its more dangerous than sitting behind them. But I come from an autobahn style of thinking.
This is my biggest pet peeve. And people (even some here) calling it the ‘fast lane’ doesn’t help either. Call it the ‘passing lane’. ‘Left lane’ is OK, bit we should try to avoid it. As Carlin pointed out ‘”We think in language. “
No. 2 wrong do not make a right. Also, don’t pass in the right lane. Enforcement by trained law officers is the correct action. And this coming from one who religiously keeps right except to pass. And I pass a lot.
Good idea! Maybe a Certified Pre-owned Popemobile Program? With a 6 year/10,000 Sins warranty program?
That was good and all, but who will win the most important battle ever?
Yeah, but I think the most important question:
I like how the say at the beginning, “we solved this problem by...” and then promptly lite it on fire and sink it.
But he already got one of these from the video:
While I appreciate MMM, I don’t believe that all his practices are the best for everyone. I have a friend who religiously reads and preaches by him, but its not as simple as he makes it out. And I’m a numbers guy, so I understand all the financial angles.
I don’t think the caption is correct. I think it’s “Austin Dillon waiting for the final insult to injury by being tagged by Brad Kaselowski at the end.”
OK. After that race and ending, something needs to be done at these restrictor plate races... That’s not good racing, its loosly organized chaos with periods of demo derby.
Ya. Everyone was saying he’s ‘OK’, but, as we know these days, with a stop yhat quick, its the 3rd impact internally that you still need to really worry about.