Jeb! and the Holograms

“I’ve decided to take my arthritis to Cleveland.”

Kendrick Perkins! Channing Frye! Richard Jefferson! Jose Calderon! Derrick Rose! Dwyane Wade! All your favorite players from 2011 and many other players from 2009 that you actually didn’t care for all that much but fuck it LeBron’s leaving and when you stare into the abyss the abyss stares back please kill me

YES. This. Moana has such a phenomenal soundtrack. Honestly, I think it’s top 5 in terms of Disney soundtracks.

When addressing Trump, FUCK YOU seems like most appropriate response

Now playing

I still think this and pretty much any song from Moana should have kicked those weak La La Land songs’ ass at the Oscars.

I have heard PA described as Philly, Pittsburgh and Alabama in between

who among us hasn’t engaged in some light-to-heavy racism on a public scale?

Given that he’s got a list already, definitely not a new word for this guy

Ending his Facebook post with “Yes I said it” not only showed how strong Smith’s convictions were, it also proved that he has to sound out everything he writes.

Harry Knowles is a living definition of “neckbeard”

You know who else didn’t want to be President? Bernie Sanders. Yet he ran anyway because a bird landed on his podium and he thought it was an omen, but he had birdseed in his pockets the whole time to feed the pigeons. Pigeons, man, who feeds fucking pigeons?

I think it is very difficult to make the case that the White House press corps is still an integral part of holding the government accountable. When was the last time we learned about some real shit because of a tough question asked at a press conference, rather than from a leak or an admin official speaking on

Ha ha. She’s done with politics because the degenerate Alpha male of her tribe threw her out. What a phony. Cry us all a river of your crocodile tears and float it all the way back to your expensively decorated place of exile.

He did it so he would look like a Good Guy

The people have snapchat, twitter and fidget spinners. They’ll be no revolution this decade my friend. Only more of the same.

“You better shut up” is basically a Utah f-bomb.

As a veteran I am sick and fucking tired of being used as a poster for the right in general. Like a lot, maybe most, people I signed up for a lot of reasons, family, circumstance, patriotism and to get the fuck out of small town. If I’d known 30 years later my service would used like this, I would’ve taken that job at

Had this convo on twitter earlier.

Screw you, Redford! I will continue to use Pat Tillman as I patriotically rock out to Springsteen’s “Born in the USA!”