Jeb! and the Holograms

+1 for Bork Buckles, lmao love it

Don’t forget Jacksonville and the decaying corpse of Blake Bortles.

Stat of the night: Joe Flacco has never had a 4-game stretch since their (looking more fluky all the time) 2012 Super Bowl run in which he had a QBR of 100+. He’s never even gone 4 games since then without an INT!

Rand is occupied with important lawn care issues right now.

Pass-throughs aren’t Mom and Pop Main Street businesses, they’re a method of evading tax. He’s blatantly talking about protecting tax evasion.

By that logic my aunt is a real coach too. Who knows she might be right now she has won as many games as Hue Jackson has this year.

Waaaait a minute. This guy isn’t even a real coach. He’s just a guy Irsay hired because he says crazy things that blows his mind when he’s on an opioid induced stupor, isn’t he? It all makes too much goddamn sense now.

People at work like to play videos, so their bosses can be sure they are goofing off a sufficient portion of the day.

I’m glad companies are focusing on the new breakthrough technology that is video. Not many people know this, but video can go on the internet. Already we are seeing the video in popular web pages like Fusplinivision and CNN News where it is huge hit probably and not an annoying waste of time at all.

- He is not a Democrat. He spent more than a quarter century in public office loudly braying about not being a Democrat. Then he changed his party registration on paper so he could co-op the party apparatus despite having done nothing to help the party or any other Democratic candidates.

This is my favorite stupid Sanders stan talking point.

A handful of reasons:

No! He has to run in 2020! We need that legislative might that has gotten such projects as “naming a post office” passed a couple times! THAT’S what’s going to bring the needed progressive voice to America, a mediocre senator from who gives a shitland whose main contribution to actually getting progressives in office

No, no, a big bucket of no. Can we please have some fresh candidates who are untainted by their baggage from 2016 and who aren’t two thousand year old white men? We are not going to win with Bernie. He needs to sit the fuck down.

Bernie strongly appeals to white liberals but not to PoC. He also got creamed in pretty much every important state (I think Colorado and Michigan were the only he did well in).

Bernie is campaigning for pro-life candidates, criticizing the liberal embrace of identity politics, and meeting with Clinton advisers and establishment Democrats. I think he’s centrist now?

And do what, for fuck sake? Is Mueller going to stop investigating if we don’t keep “our eye on the goddamn ball?” Are Flynn’s lawyers going to reverse course if we don’t keep “our eye on the goddamn ball?” I’m so tired of all you “I’m-better-than-you-at-seeing-what-Trump’s-really-doing” assholes lecturing the rest of

I can (and have been) talking about both. It’s called not having a one track mind.

As for Flynn, this was an inevitable step and there’s really not a ton to talk about. The only interesting aspect to this is Maddow has been working hard to find out whose legals bills were being paid by whom, and the day after Ty Cobb


DYIIIIIIIIIING - this is totally the worst color scheme.