Jeb! and the Holograms

An excellent rekaep of another awful Niners game!

THIS. I went to college in SC and hold a special place of contempt in my heart for Lindsey - even as people like Jon Stewart and John Oliver make him come across as a relatively benign joke. He is awful and truly does not care about helping people.

Very well said! <tips hat>

In Brandi’s opinion, this is bill “looks worse” than the other repeal bills that failed in the Senate. “Which is surprising,” she added. “I didn’t think it could get any worse.”

Ereck Flowers is a human MTA turnstile.

Ask Sean Payton.

+1 araña dos y plátano

And don’t sell anything to a Trump unless you get the money up front.

I thought that could be splinter but sadly that is not to be. The ridiculousness of some of the posts makes it a caricature of the old gawker.

There’s making your voice heard by continuing to apply pressure to your reps whenever possible (good!) and there’s shooting yourself in the proverbial dick because you’re upset the house minority leader didn’t...singlehandedly pass a bill that was exactly what you wanted...during a recess (bad!)? What exactly are they

Keep up the in-fighting and annoying “protesting” by blocking streets guys! Almost guaranteed Trump will win another 4 years.

It was the most participation trophiest 20 points I have ever seen scored in my life. It would be hard pressed to call the New York Jest an actual NFL team. This felt more like Alabama vs the Citadel than 2 professional football teams. The Jets are such a poorly run organization that I want to contribute aid to their

I like how the ridiculous sums of money are being spent on stadiums where the reason for them being built is an ancillary component. Come for the shopping, stay for the football!

Have you been reading the retro “Best & Worst of Monday Nitro” over at WithSpandex/Uproxx? Every writeup features that weeks 1-800-Collect spot and it makes me so fucking happy

PK on his way to NFL headquarters

Honestly, it’s kind of the same thing I saw in the Super Bowl where the Denver defense just absolutely removed an entire team’s (Carolina) will to live.

It is a really fun little piece of schadenfreunde to think that the owners cashed in their only winning chip in the game of chicken they play with cities when they want a new stadium. LA was a far better threat than it is as a reality, and there’s no good threats left.

“The NFL is a business, and if people aren’t consuming a product, that’s a sign of a failure of the company to offer a product people want to consume.”

Rams will stay for at least a decade since they’re getting a stadium. Charger will go to whatever city offers them the most money for a stadium.

Dirt road, multiple gunshots... Sounds more like he ran into some cartel members who didn’t want him taking pictures of the area. Poor guy.