Jeb! and the Holograms

Ungodly is an apt descriptor for most of north Florida

I rewatched Pi recently and it was no where near as good as I remember. God, the fountain was the most pretentious piece of self indulgent crap I’ve ever seen. Black Swan was brilliant and by far his best work. 

Get that back in the jars. It’s got to be back at Hardee’s before the game is over.

Hot take, Aronofsky hasn’t made a good movie since Pi. Whether obvious (Noah) or a little more subtle (Requiem for a Dream) all of his movies feel like watching a Protestant air their religious grievances.

Why are those soccer players wearing helmets?

It’s too hamfisted for an art film, too much nonstandard symbolism and art-film for the regular moviegoer audience. I’m not surprised it got an “F”. Especially as it has been advertised as a horror film for weeks leading up to its release.

I’m thinking this is more Steiner material.

If ya smelllllllll what Bob Backlund is cookin

Even fans in the loosest sense of the word, I haven’t watched wrestling in almost 30 years and this still offended me.

Dusty Rhodes was a legendary wrestler. So is Ric Flair. Ric Flair’s nickname is “The Nature Boy” and his signature phrase was ‘WOOOO!”. The Announcer mixed those two up somehow.

“Dusty Rhodes, the Nature Boy, just got out of a coma. Coma Chameleon, the Pet Shop Boys said it best. Best Western. We’ll leave the light on for you. YouTube, they still haven’t found what they are looking for. “

And that’s the bottom line cause Undertaker said so!

We in fact do have one.

This is the part about weddings I really don’t understand: you don’t have to invite anybody. Really. My parents didn’t even invite their own parents to their wedding (the just sent the bill for the booze, which was the only expense since they got married on a merry-go-round in a park in SF). And since my dad is

Just a dumb dude here, but am I missing something? Where is the future spouse in this equation? How about dealing with the asshole sister together? If the future spouse can’t stand up to family now, fuss which side he will choose down the road....


Nah, you don’t actually have to invite her, and the proof is right there in her ‘We’ll see about that’ response. You invite people to your wedding who are there to support you, on your day, as you embark upon the wonderful experience of having your relationship legally and religiously authorized and recognized. Her

Wedding folx: no, you don’t *have* to invite her. She’s made it clear she has no desire to be respectful at YOUR wedding, and it is YOUR WEDDING, so disinvite that bish and carry on with your life.

So the price of a mouse button that one can control and doesn’t go clicking posts that ask another ridiculous hypothetical question?

How much you got?