Jeb! and the Holograms

D) The Democrats are doing whatever they need to in order to run out the clock on Reconciliation, and more power to them! They don’t care in the least what the results of yesterday’s dinner may or may not be. They are just putting up Donnie Distractions of various stripes and varieties to stall him and his cronies

Considering what Trump just did with the three-month extension on the debt ceiling without demanding anything and giving us all the leverage we want in December, I’ll go with option B.

Or D) As with everything else, Trump has no idea how anything works, so he just assumes that them, like, shaking hands on something at the end of dinner means it’s now a law because he’s King Of America.

“Lock, step and barrel.” I knew Joe Walsh was dumb, but wow. “Lock, stock, and barrel” or “in lockstep.”

C) Paul Ryan privately wants Trump to support the deal while publicly trashing it. He wants his/Trump’s base back and bonus if they turn against Trump. He knows the legislation is inevitable so he’s trying to leverage the process.

i’m on B too...i really believe that in Trump’s mind he has tired of having the GOP stick him in the back and the D’s rolled in the other week with praise and kind easy to read words in their agenda and he perked right up.

C) Trump stopped paying attention 3 minutes into the meeting and just started nodding and saying ‘yup!’ and is only now finding out what he agreed to.

A more fitting punishment is to tell them they are getting 5 years probation and then jail them for a year. That would be a great reaction vid.

I wait until I’m asked for a dick pic, because I was raised right, I’m old-fashioned, I’m a gentleman.

Weiner’s lawyers, who are asking that Weiner forego prison time and serve probation, described the girl as “a curious high school student, looking to generate material for a book the government has disclosed she is now shopping to publishers,” and that she sought “somehow to influence the US presidential election, in

I think that people way overthink Trump’s motives or “angles”.He wants good ratings. End of story.

Or he’s an opportunist, life-long New York Democrat. Basically Hillary without the Republican parents.  

The outrage from the right over this is comical. You nominated a con-man! Of course he lied to you, of course he’s going to fuck you over! This was plain as fucking day, but goddamn if you suckers didn’t pick him anyway...

They’re presently losing their racist shit over a Breitbart.

The tears at Breitbart are for real. Delicious.

But the simple fact is that telling yourself from the outset “This is impossible, so I won’t ask for it” is simply bidding against yourself. And bidding against yourself is a paradigmatic sign that you are a stupid negotiator.

I don’t like to think of it as lazy. It just likes to go its own direction.

While she’s entitled to her opinion, it’s safe to say I don’t see eye to eyes with Miss Sanders.

Then I certainly don’t understand your point.

Oooh, so now we’re going to go all Tea Party on anyone who ever cooperates with Trump even when he (absent-mindedly) does something we want? Great strategy.