Jeb! and the Holograms

Because it is his home as well. It’s perfectly legal to litter your home with cameras, as the expectation of privacy is shared, not individual. Same reason police can search a home if only one resident agrees.

In your own home you can as far as I’m aware. It may be superficially referred to as a “guest bedroom” or “guest bathroom” but legally it is simply part of your home. You only get into trouble when you start sharing that video around depending on who is filmed. But, installing and recording for security purposes?

Because cameras in your own home are legal?

It seems reasonable that Biffle should sue his ex-wife for having hidden cameras in her house. I mean, it was her house, too, right?

i dont think NC has a revenge porn law on the books and placing cameras inside your own home isnt a crime especially if his defense is for security purposes

Because no one has filed criminal charges?

That’s at best difficult, many of the people might not even be able to be tracked down if they were just in shots incidentally. Also asking for a release after the fact is likely to just be ignored by a lot of busy people.

They don’t consider the sparsely populated eastern Russia a viable target. So when Moscow talks about “threats” they are talking about their major cities to the west.

Yes, the missiles can hit Russia, however, the parts of Russia that the missiles can hit contain sweet fuck all. Aside from Vladivostock, there’s absolutely nothing of great importance in that part of Russia.

Or Putin just has a different definition of “acceptable losses” than you do.

So, just like Utah then…

Another group of slobbering hicks working themselves into a witless frenzy over issues they know about but aren’t anywhere near grasping. So, this being America and all, they take the cowardly racist crude slob approach to vent their stanger (stupid + angry). “Lets paint ethnic slurs on a sheet and drape it over a

Fake news! President Trump doesn’t sleep, he just has a comedown between cocaine binges. Not surprisingly, it happens at his peak Tweet hours, when he feels like shit and wants to lash out at everyone else while he gets ready to do some more coke. Very bad!

Don’t sleep on the fact that as a direct result of his concern over financial matters, he torpedoed one of NJ’s most profitable tourism weekends.

oi top kinja m8 you baggy ol aussie drongo

The Republican nominee is our lt. Gov., who is also the Secretary of State. The last I heard, she recused herself from the decision about sending voter registration info to the voter suppression commission because she is afraid of losing votes over that, too.

Just buy some sand at the hardware store and rub it into your asscrack.

They are comparing two end of life situations. It’s horribly tragic that the little boy’s life will be so short, but his age sadly doesn’t make a difference here.

Unfortunately, it is a very appropriate comparison.