Jeb! and the Holograms

Why not? It’s the same choice except for a single superficial difference.

Lonzo got a shirt for Adam:

Thirsty vegans on Twitter have more chill.

Apparently, Adam Silver doesn’t know how narcissism works.

If history has proven anything, it’s that assholes stop being assholes when they achieve success.


This is going to chill?

Yeah, winning the draft sweepstakes surely wouldn’t feed the insane ego of LaVar Bell and make him double down on what he believes got him and his son(s) rich and famous in the first place, would it?

Trump would pivot to being less batshit insane if he became President, too.

In this case, it is an end-of-life situation. Furthermore, why is an elder’s suffering less than a baby’s?

Those are two end-of-life situations, though.

I understand the impulse to project the tragic outcome of this story onto your own circumstances and react accordingly, but this story is literally built on quotes from medical experts saying they’ve basically already done “everything humanly possible to try to save them”.

That’s what happened with my husband’s grandma. She had a DNR, but her daughter talked her into changing her mind. During the last few months of her life, she was on a ventilator several times. When she was off the vent, she was truly suffering. She had macular degeneration, so she couldn’t enjoy puzzles or reading or

Yes it’s extremely sad. It happened to my former roommate’s grandmother. The grandmother really at the end of her natural life but some of her children just could not deal with that and the children ended up getting into a huge fight about letting her go or not. The children who did not want to just let her pass

This isn’t about the child. That child is likely in excruciating pain, is suffering continued brain damage (which will be permanent), and would be better off out of misery. But they can’t handle it. It’s unfair to them! Their feelings!

I get where the parents are coming from and there is a part of me that thinks what harm can come to let them take him to the US but after reading a little more, they wouldn’t be bringing him to the US for a cure. It would basically just extend his life but his quality of life would not get better. I don’t blame them

I understand their grief, but isn’t there a time where you stop and go what is the best interest of this child, does the child want to live like this? This is suffering.

Well, that’s the real issue here. Of course our desires as parents would be to try everything, but *our* emotional wants and needs shouldn’t be the priority in a decision like this. If we were the one in the hospital bed, many of us would prefer to just go with dignity instead of prolonging it all with experimental

Yeah, a big protest march with lots of pithy signs is really gonna get the job done . . . . not.

Time to make use of your right to bear arms!