Jeb! and the Holograms

Can you explain why being next to the child while he does it makes it wronger? I mean, it sounds just like a symbolic problem.

Does that go to his parenting ability? I mean, it’s not like the child saw it.

He is a giant jerk and always has been. It is just like him to do that to a reporter.

HOA not required. Lots of towns have strict lawn policies. There’s concern about snakes, mosquitoes and other pests. In a lot of places if you let it go too long, the city will mow it and then send you a bill. And it’s a lot more than any landscaping company would charge.

Or if you have any reason at all to use that space for recreation, and don’t want, among other things, Lyme disease.

Every place where I have lived, if you don’t cut your lawn, the local government will do if for you. They will fine you, charge you for it at marked up rates, and will add it to your property tax bill if you don’t pay it.

Except in cases where you’re required to by an HOA, care about your property values, or care about your relationship with your neighbors.

Certainly you’re aware that the girl statue was installed as an advertisement for an index fund, right? It wasn’t some anti-wall street statement. It’s an ad installed by those “Wall Street goons”.

“Would you guys bother showing clips of a kid playing summer baseball striking out 8 times? A 14 year old swimmer always coming in last? A tween golfer shanking the ball into the water repeatedly? I’m gonna guess no, because why would you?”

Presumably, none of the parents of said kids are actively, like right now, in

You’re missing the real story here, which is the delicious irony of Lavar Ball wearing a shirt with “Stay In Yo Lane” written on it.

I’ve always felt this image summarizes the whole family dynamic perfectly.

Does this count as another major?

Yea, the ungreying process is a mystery to me. Charlie Jane ungreyed me over on I09 ages ago, and I got ungreyed on Jez after I sent in a tip for a story. All the other blogs I just got notifications for randomly.

Parents who thought their kids were gonna get some free Big Baller shoes and other gear. And were flat out wrong.

they’re playing Sunday same place 10:10 am


Jealous because you can’t afford the $220 slides? THEN YOU AINT A BIG BALLER

Two rich adults feuding is so tedious.

No one has ever swayed someone’s opinion by getting in a Twitter war. To paraphrase Chinatown, “Forget it Salt2Everything, it’s Twitter.”

I don’t want to contest you Katherine, but as a citizen of Chicago, what I will tell you is that he is really good at one thing - winning and staying in office.