Jeb! and the Holograms

I read they offered $400 and no one bit, so they doubled it. When no one volunteered at $800, that’s when the names were picked.

Nope fuck that. People would have just kept giving excuses not to be able to do it. I think they should have kept upping the reimbursement until people started to fly out of their seats.

Not excusing anyone’s behavior, but I can think of a lot of people whose obligations might be considered just as important. Importance is relative, which is why people are selected at random and the decision not left up to an individual who gets to decide whose obligations matter most.

I actually agree with most of the outrage at this story. However, the doctor/more important obligations is where I jump off the bandwagon. Most people have important obligations. Should an EMT have been exempted too? I know it’s not you. Everyone has been saying “He’s a DOCTOR, with patients!” I just don’t see

The extent of the attack was legitimately amazing and is a potential star-maker for Braun.

I’m holding out hope Braun hopped in an Uber pool headed for the hospital

The whole segment was hilarious.

Holy shit, describing it as “selling more of a product than they actually have” makes it sound like the scam from The Producers. “You can only sell 100% of anything.” “How much have we sold?” “25,000%”

It’s there, you just don’t read it. There is a massive amount of fine print in an airline ticket, and rest assured, it does say that in the event of overbooking, the airline has the right to rescind tickets in order to continue the flight (the article doesn’t speak to what kind of employees were being added - were

I mean, even though you mischaracterized both situations, yes, the man should have left when repeatedly told to do so by the United folks and police.

Meeting a dress code is a pretty reasonable ask for free tickets. We don’t just get to follow the rules we choose to.

If only there were some way to keep airlines from selling more seats than are physically available in a plane.

I know I’m old because I have never not been able to find any song I want on Youtube for free.

While I agree on the Russian interference bit, I really don’t think either party actually wants to go to war, or we would have by now. It’s all political posturing. If Trump/the US military really wanted to do something about the airfield, they would have targeted the bit that actually functions as an airfield. You

Because killing Russians can provoke a response from the only other capable military in the area and we don’t want WW3. Whereas, we aren’t even necessarily trying to kill Syrian military people, just give Russians (and Syrians, because Russia will tell them) enough notice to leave. There is a lot of ordnance and

So we did tip them off, and they did tip off the Syrians.

This is especially true when you consider that evidently the Russians were warned hours in advance (and in turn, warned their Syrian clients in an effort to minimize casualties). I agree that this action (by itself) doesn’t mean that war is likely. As someone else noted in another thread, we’ve launched strikes all

Has it been confirmed there are any Russian dead? Everywhere I’ve read, says we gave the Russians notice.

How sure is anyone that this is real?

Shailene Woodley furiously dials her agent.