Jeb! and the Holograms

Trying to deny your kid a thing is the best way to guarantee that they want nothing but that thing.

Just to clarify, the ACA/Obamacare was the Republican healthcare plan. It was designed by the Heritage Foundation.

Seems like a few days ago Sean Spicer was talking about a “political reality that we have to accept” regarding Assad’s regime, which was swiftly followed by... a chemical weapons attack.

“I’m your huckleberry”

Yeah, Cutler makes the most sense in Houston.

Neither are top flight options, but Cutler and Kaepernick would both represent significant upgrades at QB for a team that won a playoff game last year. Might as well sign one and hope you get that one-off Flacco style SB season.

The whole reason these companies look to anime is because of the name recognition, but it’s still so obscure for a general audience that it might as well have been a new IP. And the fans of the source material don’t want a live-action version, so you’re not getting them either. It doesn’t make any sense.

Can Hollywood stop making remakes of anime? People who could possibly be interested in those already watched the original versions so why bother.

Every time I see his twitter header image it makes me think of:

Most importantly, it would give the Dems cover to continue to filibuster the S/C nominee. If it turns out that evidence shows Trump and his campaign colluded with the Russians to cheat in the election, the GOP will have a hard time convincing the public they should get to appoint a Justice.

Well that’s a really shitty comparison and you know it.

Really inspiring answer. I’m not really old enough to have missed my calling in life, seeing as I just finished college. Thanks for furthering the dialogue instead of hunting for stars.

Interesting, but chances are it won’t turn out to be much. He’s so screwed at this point that he’s probably looking for any out.

It also means he got drunk once and cheated on his wife.

While I agree with you, isn’t the argument that the WH is not an agency per se therefore it doesn’t apply?

Be fair. Straight is all she can do with that face.

Not so good to prevent exactly that from happening.

I once read an interview with Earl Woods where he said something to the effect that his older kids were just “practice” for when Tiger came along. I remember being flat out stunned at what I had just read.

The shirt combined with his expression: “My dad born me and trained me to make me into a marketable product. You can see my product label on my chest. I’m an investment he made, and he wants to see the investment pay off.”

The look on Lonzo’s face in the first picture is not unlike that of children whose parents are members of the Westboro Baptist Church at a protest. They’re here, and they didn’t really ask for this.