Jeb! and the Holograms

How likely is it for ICE agents to actually ask a suspect’s neighbors about them? It seems to me that if ICE were at that point, they’d already have everything they need and wouldn’t need to harass the neighbors.

Seeing as how illegal immigrants tend to live near other illegal immigrants (of course, legal people live around too) ICE is highly unlikely to go door to door asking questions about neighbors. That’s not how they operate. The risk is too high of neighbors tipping each other off that they are under investigation.

To answer your question, no. Not because he doesn’t deserve it (he does!), or because I wouldn’t want the fame and recognition (I would!). Because everything I’ve learned in history has taught me that half the time, when one evil genocidal dictator/faction goes down, another evil genocidal dictator/faction pops up in

It’s too simplistic of a case. Assad isn’t Hitler and the people that he is fighting against aren’t necessarily freedom fighters. Syria is way more complicated than that. Assad generally espouses secular and religiously-tolerant values as opposed to his opposition which is predominantly Islamist in nature. He is a

Assadism without Assad is the only solution. If Assadist regime falls, the country is governed by Al Qaeda and co, who will massacre minorities that Assad pretty much left alone.

Honestly it’s not too different from the mindset in a lot of extremely poor areas in the inner city. With the same results.

It’s a terrible job. But it’s the type a job that could allow a man with limited formal education to have a house, a car, and provide for his family. Coal mining isn’t just a job for many of these folks - it’s an identity and a way of life. Unfortunately for them it’s a way of life that’s never coming back. Just like

To piggy back on that.... you become a coal miner because you’re options are either A - leave everything and everyone you’ve ever known to move to a place you know nothing about (usually a city), B - get involved with the local illegal activity (seriously, check out the show Justified for examples), or C - mine coal.

Uh, yeah, I am also #TeamAdam on this one.

Nope. They’re all pretty much disgusting.

Ice cream cakes are poor examples of both ice cream and cakes. Kids only like it because it has two of their favorite words in it, otherwise it’s like somebody hard froze the worst soft serve they could find and put a shitty screen print of whatever dumpy cartoon is momentarily en vogue on it.

Whoever wrote that headline

He’s self-branded. He labeled himself as a “policy wonk” and by sheer repetition, people believed it over time. It’s the old “if you tell a lie often enough and keep repeating it, people start to believe it” deal.  

Paul Ryans reputation as the Republicans serious policy guyseems to be entirely based on the fact that he wears a nice suit and takes himself very seriously. Nothing he has ever done has shown any indication that he is actually capable of creating any kind of actionable policy. Look at this healthcare fiasco and

If it makes you feel better you don’t have to worry about just the name for ammo. Kids are terrible and they will find ANYTHING to hit you with. Even if you birthed her yourself without drugs surrounded by angels and named her Sarah Jones. She would just find something else to throw at you when she’s a teen. So, at

Like Barack B-rock The Islamic Shock Hussein Superallah Obama.

Uhhh, Adele says that she won’t tour after every tour. It’s kind of her thing. Of course she’ll tour again, it’ll just be “The Return” and she’ll charge twice as much.*

I will relish the moment when this pathetic, racist excuse for a human being is forced to watch society march on without him hand-in-hand with non-whites. Because we know that’s the reason guys like him are so furious: the future is non-white, non-Christian, intellectual, and international and reality WILL leave those

I’m thinking about all the tiny nuances of driving a truck AND delivering to a business. When a truck stops at my store (twice a week deliveries) it has to be parked facing north on 2nd street. The driver has to put his tandems all the way forward and then back into my alley which is not an easy task, especially

As someone who directs severe weather coverage for a station in Texas, there was no reason to sit in black unless the station crew were sheltering or the station had suffered some sort of system/power loss, but they absolutely had to break away from the game for a weather report. A tornado warning means lives are in