Jeb! and the Holograms


The amount of manufactured outrage and projection in this article is appaling.

“You have attracted people who are determined that ideology is more important than facts.”

Listen, there’s only so much that editing can do. They’re already overwhelmed from constantly cleaning up the literal shits that fall out of Hannity’s mouth.

-1 Beast mode

The warring factions in the GOP is seriously giving me life right now.

Instead of just punching it in, he decided to go with the “fuck the poor EVEN HARDER” fade route at the last second and the ball was intercepted.

Trump isn’t throwing shade. He’s openly throwing Ryan under a bus.

No stamina, sad.

Man, Paul Ryan is so close to getting his “fuck the poor, cut taxes on the rich” agenda pushed through, and now he is stumbling at the one yard line.

What’s even worse is Paul Ryan apparently seems to think they should get a pass BECAUSE they’re “new at this.”

Ryan’s brand is Massive Entitlement Reform, tho. The dork was put into place specifically to kill Obamacare, gut Medicaid, and privatize Medicare and Social Security. Killing Obamacare was the easy ask, since it’s the least-entrenched and least-popular of the entitlements & its beneficiaries shade younger & poorer

It was Ryan’s baby — almost word for word his “A Better Way” leaflet, which knob he has been stroking and polishing since before he was Speaker. So this AHCA wasn’t something whipped up by committee on short notice, and its fiscal, social, and political flaws have been nosed at by wonks for a couple years. Ryan’s

How badly fractured, frazzled and in disarray does your party need to be to fail to pass a law when no one is stopping you?

You know Ryan is going to take the brunt of the blame. He pushed hard for this to be the first major piece of legislation because he thought it would be a slam dunk, and then other policy changes could happen for Trump easier. But it wasn’t a slam dunk. It was a disaster. Chances would have improved if they had waited

So much for the art of the deal.

I do agree that they’ll eventually try again. Hell, since it was Donald Trump who started this “now or never” game of chicken, there’s no guarantee he won’t be ready to try to gut healthcare again tomorrow.

That’s his life plan.

That’s actually just another pair of khakis folded up.

He seems to have just crammed the cordless phone from his office into his front pocket to carry with him.