Jeb! and the Holograms

What a missed opportunity. The correct move would have been to change the password and the registered e-mail attached to the account.

I don’t even vote, man. You must be thinking of someone else.

Oops, no, you don’t.

See, now you get it.

And to all the aforementioned assholes who wish to spray diarrhea in my direction, let’s skip that. Save yourself the trouble and me the time. Unless you have proof that Bernie was left off the ballot in a state or that the machines recorded Bernie votes for Hillary, nothing was rigged. Your boy was done on Super

I really wish people would understand:

Because spurned Bernie supports cannot handle the fact that their beloved saint was rejected by the majority of the population.

The world sure has no shortage of people who think that there are rebels speaking truth to power, consequences be damned, on corporately owned TV and radio stations as opposed to reading scripts that were approved by said corporations.

Even there, it’s hard for me to imagine anyone who would prefer Facebook for anything (messaging or presenting ideas/work) to, you know, e-mail.

Apparently not, since Clovis is another cooperating witness in Mueller’s investigation.

Also, unless you work FOR Facebook (or you’re a social media intern for a large company), I seriously doubt you NEED Facebook for your job.

Sure there is. I don’t have a Facebook and they’ve never notified me about anything.

Domino’s gets points for honesty, but “we don’t suck as much as we used to” is a very, very accurate tagline for their product.

He actually thinks this is all pretty funny and that you’re the one who’s angry.

The what? Las Vegas shooting? Nah, I think I’d remember something like that.

*thinks about this take*

I know NYC has had graduation problems, but I doubt anyone who was going there in 1993 or 2001 is still there, hoping that the 24th try at senior year is gonna be the lucky one.

Bleeding heart trying to score Woke Points on the internet. Disregard them.