Jeb! and the Holograms

Kizer’s gotta have less confidence in himself at this point than Jason Whitlock does at a Weight Watchers meeting.

It’s the Patriots. In times of need, Belichick works his voodoo and other teams gift him whatever he requires.

Preview of this year’s:

Amen. Even if he wasn’t having phantom shoulder pain and they brought him back, he’d be behind a row of partially inflated Bop ‘Em Clowns acting as his “protection.”

Those people get paid to pretend their job is great. That’s their job.

Money is what makes the world go around. Money and power are inseparable.

That much is true, yes. All I’m saying is that the Fox logo being on something doesn’t make it another one of Rupert’s propaganda arms.

The problem is that you’re actually looking into the story, reading the details and thinking about them. You’re not supposed to do that. You’re supposed to hear “Hillary” and “uranium” and let your brain fill in the gaps until you arrive at “Hillary sold weaponized uranium to ISIS for personal profit.”

Local news affiliates are not really part of the Murdoch media entity. Technically, yes, but he does not directly influence their slant or coverage.

Bingo. You can’t hang the shittiness of America on a guy who hasn’t even been in office a full year yet. He isn’t making things better and he may or may not be making things worse, but he definitely didn’t START it.

Touchè. Is there any more blood in the “lol she ugly” stone?

If I were Flynn or Manafort, I would be having the GOAT blowout lost weekend right now.

Man, when Hillary dies, these people aren’t going to have ANYTHING to talk about.

Have you thought about talking to a professional instead of blogging?

This. Keep your shit on the sidewalk. Some of us have places to be.

Again, two decades and no illnesses. It’s fine.

I find avoiding conversation with others altogether works really well, too.

Meh. Been doing it that way for about 2 decades and no one has ever gotten sick from it. You go your way, I’ll go mine.

I dunno about that. I can defrost a chicken breast in hot water in about 45 minutes and beef in practically no time, but I will say I rarely cook during the work week (Sunday is cooking day and the rest of the week is leftovers). I also don’t live in a tiny apartment in NYC where the kitchen is about 4‘x4’ and also

Counterpoint: it’s easier.