Jeb! and the Holograms

“Soldiers aren’t fodder for the war machine, dickhead.”

Doesn’t matter. People on both sides of the fence have been doing the “OK, well, yeah, maybe that’s true, but it doesn’t count/matter here because *long fart noise*” dance for a long time.

That’s a season-ender for sure. Gotta hope it’s not a career-ender as well.

I believe, in addition to signing a bevy of guys with more natural body types (even if only by necessity; not as many steroid monsters out there looking to be pro wrestlers as there were in the 80s), they probably, um, hmm, “monitor” guys who are juicing. The Jinder thing is inexplicable from top to bottom, wall to

They’re right.

“The QB room is right where it needs to be. Down the hall, to the left, third door. Fourth door is the catering room, which is where I’m headed now. Thank you. No further questions.”

“In reality, the bump stock is the new, shiny object politicians are using to deceive voters into believing they are taking action against gun violence.”

I know there’s water that prevents concussions and water that prevents sunburn. Do they make water for collarbone reinforcement?

Would it shock anyone if Newt was on that Rush Limbaugh shit?

Hey, now, do you realize that Hamilton has composed umpteen screeds, all longform and all unique, that are just “fuck rich people” until he works his magic and stretches that out with a junior high schooler’s understanding of economics and labor? That boy puts in the hours.

Fun fact: if Scott Tolzien is the only remaining option at QB, the center has to take his own snap and throw the pass.

It would absolutely be illegal and yes, you are not allowed to profit off of a crime.

Also, if you’re looking for a candidate with views that perfectly align with your own across the board, then either run for office yourself or sit down and shut up. Or, I guess, just conveniently ignore whatever it is you don’t like in your ideal candidate’s history *coughberniesupportedloosergunrestrictionscough*

For real. It’s great that he showed up half awake today to make the Falcons’ SB appearance look like a total fluke, but goddamn.

Nah, Drew’s right. It’s too late to smash the glass and break out Kaep this year. He’d have to learn the playbook of any team that signed him, get a rhythm, identify his ideal targets and be ready by week 15.

I don’t even think there necessarily WAS collusion. You don’t need to coordinate your efforts to be a spineless shitweasel who doesn’t want to employ a guy because some season ticket holders who can’t even get out of their deals would fill their diapers over it.

This could also just be point-proving. Much like how you don’t usually sue an employer for wrongful termination with the goal being going back to work for them, I can’t imagine anyone really giving him a fair shake after accusing them publicly of collusion to freeze him out.

It’s remarkable how when Rodgers leaves the field, the Packers become the Browns INSTANTLY.

They’re grown in a lab. Bill McGurn is just a very old model.

Yup. Let us not forget their indignation at articles that were the subject of ongoing litigation being pulled by Univision and the bitching that followed until, I assume, Univision told them to knock it the fuck off and be grateful they still had jobs.