Jeb! and the Holograms

“Divisive” and all variations is my new favorite word that makes me want to vomit out of my eye sockets.

The players that believe in Kaepernick’s crusade should have knelt for the anthem, the ones who don’t (or were afraid to kneel) should have stood and then let the chips fall where they may Tuesday morning.


Never, ever forget this: if you aren’t signing their paychecks, they do not work for you.

Trump is a moron, but the rest know what they’re doing. You take and take and then every couple of years, you give something back. People by and large are so thrilled with the little bit of giving that they forget about the taking.

Never going to happen. The distractions are vital to keep the populace from noticing what’s happening. They need the people to have those things.

Don’t be this guy.

Couldn’t be more MURCAN a story if a bald eagle jizzed on the roof.

So can we get Kaepernick a fucking job now?

What the christ...

Of all the things wrong with his suits, I find the overly long novelty tie the most egregious.

If you don’t understand why respecting the anthem is important to the people who are getting beers/in the bathroom during the anthem, I dunno what to tell you.

In a display of solidarity, the Jets have elected to skip trying to win today’s game.

Yawn. More bluff and bluster.

The resulting tsunami of takes would level the eastern seaboard.

That won’t matter either.

I will toss you a star.

He was just confused. He was expecting Metallica, not Melania.

Careful. Hamilton really doesn’t like it when people challenge his 1st year college student understanding of economics and labor.

I have called the police and reported that you have someone holding a gun to your head and making you click links against your will. Hang in there. Help is on the way.