Jeb! and the Holograms

You can take Gawker away from the unprofessionals, but you can’t take the unprofessionalism out of Gawker.

That’s about 4500 people, so no, you have not.

The war on porn never went away and it will never be won by either side.

Jada, everyone knows your husband is gayer than Christmas and is on that Travolta plan. Come on.

Speaking as a boring husband/dad with no friends, I’m pretty sure everyone IS out there being friends without me simply by default.

“If you don’t try, you can never fail!”

The same thing awaits you, Tomi Lahren.

The great lie of Lindsey Graham is that he’s a maverick cut from the same cloth as John McCain when in reality, he’s Diet Jeb Bush.

Because it’s a 10 year slow bleed of Obamacare that essentially turns the program into block grants. The block grants could theoretically be used by some states to set up a pseudo single payer system.

Because Graham is kind of an idiot? I mean, I can’t explain his personal motivation for introducing this now beyond speculating that it’s some sort of savior fantasy that’s the brainchild of a moron.

Because taxes are always a tougher fight than healthcare and the GOP is horribly fractured at this point, thanks in large part to Trump leaving them for dead to sign a deal with Schumer.

What baffles me is this.

What a perfect picture that is. A man who eats Roger Goodell’s shit and Roger Goodell, who has a recurring habit of eating shit in public, ready to chow down on some Skyline Diarrhea.

Just wait for the Raiders debut in their new luxury strip mall and casino (that has a big ass field attached to it for some reason).

*quietly puts BOISE CHARGERS sign back in closet*

“This is my second favorite theme song in the WWF.”

I would bet my house that’s exactly what happened.

You don’t really believe the drug cartels give a shit who the people they kill are or what they’re doing, do you?

That’s amazing.

Huh. In Jacksonville, it’s usually ungodly amounts of mayonnaise swimming though the residents.