Jeb! and the Holograms

Yeah, we don’t worry about it. I look at the world around me and honestly? I’d rather my kid grow up to be the antisocial one staring at her phone (like everyone else) than be the overly friendly talker who just needs to start conversations with people because the sun is out and the birds are singing and she never

I’ve never seen one (last one to pass over my part of the US in my lifetime, I was, like, 2 AND it was a shitty ~5% eclipse), so yeah, this is pretty cool to me. It’s not like I (or most people) have lived your crazy eclipse-rich life.

Fuck her? Fuck her.

Yup. The stage actually has not changed much from 2016, the last time the voters failed to make the right choice.

This is SS’s thing. I guess the idea that shit’s going down soon with Mueller is what keeps him going.

[citation needed]


“Hamilton, your topic today is bicycles. Go make the magic happen.”

Gawker should hold a contest to see if there’s a topic Hamilton CAN’T turn into a “fuck the rich” post.

Neo-Nazis. Not “white nationalists.” Neo-Nazis.


She went the Full Costanza.

Eat shit :)

“Is it your fuckin’ business? Move along, pal.”

This is the biggest conjob in modern boxing history. McGregor is gonna lose, possibly by TKO, he knows it and he doesn’t care because he’s gonna take his massive check and retire afterwards.

Rude Negro is a “OMG POLITICIANS HAVE MONEY WTF” dipshit, but he’s not wrong in the big picture. Hillary, fairly or not, is the democrats’ most embarrassing failure and defeat in history. Best not to have that hanging around as you move forward.

Literally no one said or felt any of this “her turn” shit except people who hated her.

“Twitter that will ban you if you insult Trump.”

Probably upset that they can’t call people rapists if they haven’t been convicted anymore. Poor dears.

A rose by any other name...