Jeb! and the Holograms

You should talk to those people before they destroy their livers. Idiots.

Kelly signed his own death warrant when he said that he’s the one in charge now. Maybe he’d like to be and probably he should be, but Trump is and Trump will either fire him or harass him out of the job the second Kelly stands up to him.

1. LOL

“I guess if you win both fights,” said Daniel Cormier, “there is no rivalry.”

“We have to understand people who aren’t like us” is the best way to let me know I don’t have to take anything you say seriously.

Nah. The son isn’t crazy like the old man, but he was born into and steeped in the Kool Aid.

For sure. All I’m saying is that the money is literally the only reason for Conor to even do this fight and if he allows instinct to take over, even for a second, it’s not just a DQ. He loses everything: the purse, a large chunk of his personal wealth and the freedom to comfortably retire from fighting afterwards as

Amusing themselves and diving deeper into the delusion that this shit intimidates everyone into being quietly impressed by North Korea.

Roger, preseason is starting soon.

That sounds like the perfect coach for a team with a QB who can’t throw TD passes and a putrid running game!

Yup. It’s basically built like a giant reflecting dish and the worst, most cynical part of it is that it wasn’t a mistake on the part of the designers. Jed York just doesn’t care because it’s the rabble who get fried like ants under a magnifying glass. The tech bro assholes, his people, are fine in the luxury boxes


Rinse Pubis is a paranoid toady.

Supposedly, he’s mulling over “going to war” with Congress over the Obamacare repeal failure.

Pretty much. I mean, instinct and reflex are just that, but if he gives in even once, every reason he has to even do this vanishes as does a great deal of his personal bank account. I’m sure he’s drilled that into his own head.

I’m not gonna do the whole “repeat ourselves back and forth” thing. Mayweather is not throwing it. Case closed. Believe what you want.

$200m against a guy who’s gonna make more than that just by showing up and has spent a lifetime carefully creating the perfect record in boxing and arguably the most impressive on paper, often at the risk of harming his rep a bit by taking fights against cans. Dude’s not throwing all that away now.

In an age where I can, with only minimal effort, watch a woman (or a man!) stuff an entire eggplant into one of their orifices while their other orifices are stuffed with other people’s genitals, no, nudes are art. They are not hot or pornography.

Mayweather is not taking a dive and he’s not losing to McGregor without doing so, regardless of what else is or isn’t on the level.

The contract specifically states that McGregor not only forfeits his fight purse if he attempts anything besides punches to Floyd’s head/body, but also that Mayweather can sue him for breach.