Jeb! and the Holograms


Meh. It would only help his rep with me.

How about no cigarettes? Wanna make a statement, outlaw it.

Ah, the good ol’ Elizabeth/Linden corridor. On a warm August day, you can kill the AC, roll the windows down (note: you don’t actually need to!) and fill your olfactory senses with the intoxicating aroma of sour milk and rotten eggs in the trunk of a car that was abandoned for 4 years in the Everglades.

You’re a Steph-hater. Got it. Dismiss me. I’m dismissing you.

They’re “friends,” brah. And in actual matches, Steph has rarely if ever stood dominant over anyone.

Rovert is a moron and possible crazy person. He sometimes has scoops on the UK scene before they hit stateside, but please don’t confer upon him any more authority than he deserves. He’s been a thorn in the ass of countless wrestling forums for years, generally for his obnoxiously misogynistic attitude towards women

I did the 😚👌 chef’s kiss at Trump saying that Mueller investigating his finances would be crossing the line and Mueller, the next day, diving into Trump’s finances.

The BEST way to beach is by looking at a photo of the ocean on your computer or TV while inside with the AC on.

The funny part is that I guarantee you, up until yesterday, Priebus really thought he was “in.” He thought he had won Trump over and was part of the Circle of Trust.

It’s just crazy that after all this time lying for Trump and lying about Trump that Trump would have lied to him about his potential in the administration. Such dishonesty. SMH.

DeRay McKesson Leaves Actual Job To Focus On Ego Masturbation and Shameless Public Self-Promotion

Jefferson Beauregard Renfield Duke Smith Wesson Lafayette Sessions III.

I wouldn’t read too much into Clinton or Otweets tweets. Fake politeness and civility is what you’re usually taught when you become a politician and you never forget it.

The internet is a series of tubes, you see.

I don’t think you know what subtle is.

Still waiting on confirmation of the Hat Room (containing $1,896,000 USD worth of hats) and the collection of mannequins with extremely well detailed genitalia. They exist. I know they do. They have to.

Don’t worry. Johnny Walnuts will be back by then and offer a very Maverick-y condemnation of Mueller’s firing before saying that the investigation up until that point uncovered nothing of interest and we should just forget about it.

It’s also not a good idea to try to suss out what something he said/tweeted “meant” or what it “means today” “with regards to what he said yesterday.”

Jesus. She would need every fiber of her being to resist becoming Te Ka.