Jeb! and the Holograms

Bingo. When people bust out the “I’m ______,” where ______ is religious affiliation, ethnicity or sexual orientation, they’re either trying to defuse the situation by claiming that they’re the same as their “aggressor” or accusing them of bigotry. Tired, lame, Internet-comment-section 101 bullshit.

“, technically, da, we did hack your election. Da.”

So they’re guilty, then? Fuck ‘em. Choices have consequences.

There’s zero evidence that any actual voting processes were hacked. There’s evidence that someone tried, but no one was successful. The actual process of voting was and is on the level (so far).


I’m rooting for a meteor strike.

This isn’t necessarily directed at you, but just in general.

That’s actually how he describes Ivanka.

A congressional interview with him could be a lot of fun considering that he apparently has all the oratory and think-on-your-feet skills of a moldy potato.

I think this hologram shit, when done right, can be kinda cool. Like, it’d be pretty sweet to see Jimi Hendrix and Lenny Kravitz do a little call-and-response solo-off or some shit.

Because woke white people feel the need to buck against the linguistic conventions of an entire language that isn’t even their own (and ruin it in the process, unless we’re also going to start saying ‘bañx’ for bathroom, etc.).

Police: “Freeze!”

I understand being enraptured by a globe-spanning mystery. That’s human nature.

I’ll spare you the rest, but I’m sure you can fill in the blanks. Beyonce stans, man.

Anyone can force anything to fit their pre-chosen mindset.

You have your view and I have mine. Be as naive as you like.

I guess so, because I only recognize two people in that photo.

Plenty of celebrities do that, sure. I just find Beyonce and Jay Z to both be particularly self-obsessed brandbots who could never love anyone else the way they love themselves.

Also, Jay Z would eat a human turd for show if he thought it was the most profitable way to go about things. His “hard rapper” days are LONG over with. He’s not worried about his “cred.”