Jeb! and the Holograms

More power (and safety) to them.

I’m pretty boring, actually!

That you had a very unjustified and naive view of the world, but in a remarkably lucky turn for you, you’ve discovered that this is actually a cold, dark, violent and random place that doesn’t give a fuck about you and always has been?

Aside from any “boys’ club” tendencies in any industries, I assumed this was why there are no female plumbers, electricians, delivery drivers, etc.

Jesus, “female Uber driver” seems like one of the worst ideas ever. As does “female Uber passenger.”

They didn’t know where she was. They didn’t and probably never will find MH370. Now think of how much better we are at tracking aircraft nowadays than in Amelia’s day. She hung on hoping that a passing aircraft might spot her and report back.

Yeah, no.

This. It’s money laundering for non-money objects. It’s not quite as funny as the idea of Hobby Lobby buying directly from the bed of a 1970 Toyota pickup of some masked asshole, but honestly, a few minutes of critical thought could lead any halfway-bright person to conclude what was up here.

I’d rather be a KKK member than a redassed baseball fan who gets as upset over the mere idea of switching a letter on a sign as many here.

To be fair, I’m 99% certain Putin already knows everything we know about him because he has at least one, if not several, spies in the US government. He’s ex-KGB. This is his thing.

Bernie did the same shit. “It’s on my website.”

“You, uh, with your large hands, I bet you do well with the ladies, right? Hahahahahahahaha... ahhhhhh, now sign this for me, please. No. Is not important. Is autograph.”

But then later, the child’s.

That worked so well in 2016. Why get off a winner?

By the time the sitdown is done, Putin will have annexed the entire eastern seaboard simply by complimenting Trump’s large hand size.

It’s a grey area, legally (pretty black and white, morally). The general rule of thumb, but not law, is that you cannot place cameras, even in your own home, in any non-common area or anywhere a person may have a reasonable expectation of heightened privacy, such as bathrooms and bedrooms.

That’s nature. Animals attack and kill other animals. Get over it.

“Guest bathroom” is a legally meaningless distinction. It’s still just a room in your house.

Holy shit. That SB Nation piece is mesmerizing. He went Full Eichenwald.

He actually doesn’t get nearly as much work now as he used to, prior to the allegations. A LOT of his work was through and they cut ties with him after everything came to light.