Jeb! and the Holograms

North Korea Performs Same Missile Test They Always Do, Makes Same Bullshit Claims They Always Do, Media Pretends It’s News Anyway

Counterpoint: no one is talking about war with Russia (sanctions and perhaps, if anything can be proven, something before the UN/ICJ, but these are not “war”) and the talk of war in Iran is old hat at this point. Syria is the new hotness and even that’s getting no traction.

Mr. Rumsfeld, I know you’re retired now, but certainly you have other things you could be doing with your time.

“We’ve probably got, depending on whether we keep polluting or not, 75-120 years left here.”

For the same reason environmentalists always exaggerate.

There is no realistic and feasible scenario in play here that nukes the entire top of the GOP power structure. Don’t even talk about it. You’re just getting your hopes up for nothing.

You seem angry about your trash boxer.

It’s 9:40 EST. Trump’s been asleep for about 6 hours now.

Don’t sleep on the fact that as a direct result of his concern over financial matters, he torpedoed one of NJ’s most profitable tourism weekends.

Also worth noting is Christie telling anyone missing work this weekend not to expect back pay.

Seems like if you’re the extremely unpopular governor of a waterfront state and pretty much everyone thinks you’re a buffoon already, shutting down state parks on the July 4th weekend in a temper tantrum because nobody liked your state budget is a rather imprudent method of salvaging your reputation and image, but

Well, he did it. Now he’s gonna be a legend, bro.

I totally get why she was a hit in 1997.

Like I said.

Not at all. “The office of the POTUS” is meaningless. It means literally nothing. At most, it means the actual, physical room. The Oval Office.

What do you expect? She’s a middle aged woman who smokes/smoked like a chimney and doesn’t do any gym time besides what’s needed to keep her tummy flat.

I’m too old to care now. If you want to go watch someone dance while the CD/MP3s you have at home plays over the speakers, whatever. More power to you. It’s not for me, but neither are GETTIN TIPSAY IN DA CLURRRRB or fidget spinners.

Also, only an idiot grants an inanimate object or a vague idea any more than the basic respect of not criminally vandalizing it.

Neither of which have anything to do with the media. His approval rating has been dropping since he entered office as a natural result of people saying “here’s what this asshole did/said today” and Robert Mueller was not appointed by CNN.

To paraphrase Chris Rock, “if the cops have to come get you, they’re bringing an ass whooping with them.”