Jeb! and the Holograms

It’s somewhat reminiscent of 80s Tyson. Watching highlight reel KOs is fun for a bit, but after a certain point, it wasn’t worth ordering his fights because you knew no one stood a chance of beating him. Most never stood a chance of making out of the first round.

These are not sunglasses. They are affectations.

I’m honestly not sure what the other dudes in Maroon 5 do now. Even as of last year, I remember Maroon 5 songs having actual instruments in them. Real drums, identifiable guitar strumming, etc.

Imagine being such a featherweight goober that you meltdown on Facebook and start pursuing disciplinary action against a person in real life because they memed you on Facebook.

Yep. There’s really nothing gross or weird about this. It’s actually extremely progressive and realistic as non-fraternization policies go.

Ego and pride.

I gotta say, “don’t rape anyone and don’t fuck anyone who works for you/you work for” is a much more realistic policy than most non-fraternization policies.

Because we’re pretty dumb and prone to knee jerk reactions over here, so allowing this would mean 4-6 elections a year during highly partisan times. Both parties would be constantly cockblocking each other, nobody would ever seem to be in charge and nothung would ever get done.

“Now, Mr. Comey... In the course of the, uh, investigation into... Mr. Comey... Did you, uh... Clinton. Mr. Clinton, did you find reason to believe that Ms. Trump... Comey. Clinton. Mrs. Trump, when investigating Dr. Comey, did you... Find reason to believe that, uh...”

Yes, it was. And the own was BRUTAL.

The only quarterbacking Colt McCoy might be qualified to do at this point is playing Madden with manual targeting on.

Silent? He’d be pointing out that you can’t fuck like that IN THIS ECONOMY, that you are getting extremely poor ROI on your ballsweat equity and he has some tips that will lead to a more impressive end-of-quarter finish.

Darren Rovell is a corporate balance sheet that sprouted a man by believing it could.

The pilot’s names convinced me that the “he’ll read whatever you put on the teleprompter” bit from Anchorman was actually a little bit of documentary slipped into a comedy film. 

“God has a plan” is the catch-all, I believe.

I don’t know that the tape exists (and if it does, Putin has the only copy and we will never see it), but I think everyone figured out that the incident in question happened when the story first broke and Trump started tweet-blasting about FAKE NEWS in wall-to-wall caps.

Bingo. A huckster isn’t the best thing to be, but I also have no sympathy for the morons who fall for obvious scams.

They’re still up because they (mostly; I’m sure not all of them are this careful) AREN’T making medical claims. Same reason Cheerios can claim to help with your blood pressure or any number of supplements in the grocery store can claim to help your cognitive powers or give you an energy boost. So long as you don’t

I cut the cord years ago and I honestly think I only still follow it online out of habit. Even if I had cable, I’m with you. Three hours every Monday is not doable, especially with a toddler and a job.

Meh. I’m gonna be sleeping. Unless I know I’m disgusting, I don’t care. I’d rather possibly be gross and unconscious than be unable to focus on anything but being gross the entire following workday.