Jeb! and the Holograms

I really hope they resolve this Russia story in the sequel.

He’s actually gotten better looking with age. Younger David Spade was kinda weirdly scrawny and sick looking.

Ahahahahahahaha, fuck Bernie Sanders.

It always amazes me when people get blackmailed and think “well, this is fine. As long as I do what they’re asking right now, they’ll never ask for more, no one else will ever find out and I won’t start getting dismembered animal parts in the mail. Everything’s awesome!”

Young white kids in LA have been doing this forever.

New from Fox News: Hatin’ with Hannity!

This is most likely, yes.

Which is why China isn’t going to take NK out. They’re just going to mass murder any fleeing refugees if the shit hits the fan. 

Everything, including that if NK starts popping off at land based targets with their shitty missiles that tend to explode on launch or fall short of their targets, it gives SK, Japan, the US and anyone else who wants to get in on it a blank check to steamroll them.

For now, it benefits China for NK to act as a buffer and a little yippy dog in the front yard, but make no mistake about it, the dog doesn’t run the house.

If they piss away Strowman as just another monster to slay, I don’t even know.

Agree to disagree on that, I suppose. I imagine it’s a cost issue myself. 

Also, fear.

Hypoxic chamber. I’ve been saying it forever. Seal the room and slowly remove the oxygen. The prisoner simply goes to sleep and never wakes. As intentionally-inflicted deaths go, it’s as humane and painless as you’ll ever find and you’ll never have to worry about not having the materials necessary to carry out the

Because like many other easy to abuse and addictive drugs, they serve a valid and valuable purpose for the majority of people. 

Yep. You know how many celebrities are hopelessly addicted to pills and are still keeping it together? Probably most of them.

1. “Peter Bravestrong” is 50% of the most badass name ever. I would have went with “Max Bravestrong.” Or “DICK Bravestrong.” That’s the one. DICK BRAVESTRONG.

Thę thīñgś ïñ łîfē thåt ärė wørth įt ãré ńęvēr êåšÿ.

Because you can’t bring yourself to sell stuff off. You’re a rich person! You only sell stuff when you get bored with it!