Jeb! and the Holograms

Bingo. If you’re pushing for the EC to overturn the results and it happens (it won’t), then I don’t want to hear a word out of you ever again about “democracy” or “the will of the people” and I especially don’t want to hear so much as a muffled fart when the EC, at some point in the future, elects a republican who

Bingo. If you’re pushing for the EC to overturn the results and it happens (it won’t), then I don’t want to hear a word out of you ever again about “democracy” or “the will of the people” and I especially don’t want to hear so much as a muffled fart when the EC, at some point in the future, elects a republican who

Bingo. If you’re pushing for the EC to overturn the results and it happens (it won’t), then I don’t want to hear a word out of you ever again about “democracy” or “the will of the people” and I especially don’t want to hear so much as a muffled fart when the EC, at some point in the future, elects a republican who

Kinda like how Susan Sarandon can openly dump on Hillary because she’s rich enough that if Trump wins, fuck it. She’ll be fine.

Modern Soviet Russia’s reality shows work the same way their airplanes and Olympics do, it seems.

I’m all for extending one’s hand and being the bigger person, but if you’re about to do your enemy a favor, stop and ask yourself:

It’s a good thing the democrats essentially fundraised to rebuild that NC GOP building that got destroyed. Really good idea, there. Excellent gesture. Nobody could ever have predicted that the GOP would do this in return.

No, because they won’t. The violent ones are the racists who voted for him on that basis. So long as he doesn’t, like, divorce Melania to convert to Islam and marry a black woman, they don’t give a fuck.

Not just sexism, but racism AND disability... -ism?

Bless your heart.

I’d wait and see how four years of Trump goes before you sign up for four more.

Exactly. If you want to be president, you have to go to people and spoon feed your platform to them. Telling people you have details on your website is no different from telling them you etched the details on a rock on the moon.

Clinton beat him in the popular vote by what might end up being the largest electoral/popular split in history and likely would have beat him in the race to 270 had she not botched it by ignoring the rust belt/white working class and thinking her firewall was ironclad.

Skull rings, bro! SIIIIIIIIIIIICK

Indeed he was.

Where you find alcoholism, you often find other substance abuse issues if the money is there.

Without question and I’ll bet it’s something that’s extremely gross/perverted that he explains enjoying just because of the artistic/aesthetic qualities.

Also, I guarantee you he has a hat collection. Fedoras, top hats, trillbys, pageboy caps, bowler hats, cowboy hats, probably, fuckin’, a sombrero or two, etc.

I don’t find it hard to believe that Depp’s short on liquid funds at all. He’s pretty much Nicholas Cage with a slightly more impressive filmography, right down to what I imagine is a willingness to recklessly spend on useless dumb shit.

“You guys all have to leave or I can’t do my job.”