Jeb! and the Holograms

The only argument about the popular vote is that Hillary got more votes, but lost the election because of the electoral college and as a result, we should talk about abandoning the EC as it has subverted the will of the people twice in 2 decades (true, but the EC isn’t going anywhere).

Remember the heady days when we could only click on the stuff we wanted to look at? Police state, indeed. THANKS OBAMA

“Now, downstairs, in the private library, is the Presidential Handbook. It’s 232 pages long and you need to memorize it verbatim because you WILL be quizzed at random intervals and if you fail a single quiz, you WILL be impeached. It’s on the second shelf of the third bookcase past the second door, eighth book in from

The president’s job in modern day is to hear half the country say awful, withering, soul-crushingly terrible shit about you and your family. People kinda already did that with Trump, but he lived in sort of a pseudo-fame bubble where he was insulated from having to deal with or even hear from anyone he didn’t want to.

Did you see the picture they chose to tweet of him and his team watching the results come in? He was grimacing. While he was winning.

“He said it’s important for all “to now come together.”

“Anyways, the Dems will take back the House and Senate in two years...”

Now playing

This is what I and anyone with actual life experience tried to explain to all the fucking dolts “voting their conscience” or whatever the fuck this year.

You have no water, half the state is on fire at any given time, you elected Schwarzenegger (no idea what his feelings on race are, but his feelings vis-a-vis “grabbing them by the pussy” seem to be well in line with Trump’s) and you function as a cute mini-America in that your coast is “liberal elites” and your inland

Seriously. What pointless bullshit.

That minimum wage staffer taking the calls will sure feel your wrath!

Also, doing stuff? That’s hard, even with congress in your pocket. You have to draft it, present it, it’s this whole thing.

Pence. Honestly, who the fuck knows what Trump believes? Trump himself may not know what he believes.

Look at it this way.


Eh. You can’t really split it by vote results, especially of one election. I threw up the map I did just as a punchy visual aid, but states are in flux all the time, parts of countless states are deep red while other areas are blue as the ocean (which the Business Insider map does attempt to distinguish).

So many of us, yes. Maybe the majority. Maybe that’s what being an American is. If that’s the case, I’m glad to relinquish the title (I never used it in the first place; what kind of dumb asshole makes the piece of land they were randomly born on a part of their personality?).

No reason it can’t be 6 separate nations!

Well, depending on how vindictive the dems wanted to be, they could theoretically drag the proceedings out forever and paralyze him in the process, but vindictive pettiness is not what they’re known to be adept at.

Same. I get it. It sounds nice, it’s very statesmanlike, unity is better than division, etc., but nah, fuck that. Sometimes, angry dismissal is the correct way forward (and I say that as a dumb [not anywhere near dumb enough to vote Trump] straight white guy who kinda thought this would happen and stands to lose,