Jeb! and the Holograms

I love how anyone could have known what Chuck’s question was gonna be when he started asking it and begun formulating a bullshit non-answer ahead of time, but Rudy waited until he finished, stared at him like he was suddenly sucked through a wormhole into an AP calculus final exam and had, despite being a career

That, too. Whoever gets mobilized into voting for Romney/Ryan/Whoever needs to outweigh the Trumpites who would turn away once their man was booted.

The best part of the GOP increasingly coalescing behind #DumpTrump is that it would have made sense and been feasible at literally any other time besides the present to kick him out.

I feel like this is a possibly-coordinated October Surprise for Trump. I’m more than OK with it.

Ok, man. I think we’re done here. Agree to disagree.

Somewhere, Reince Priebus sits in a dark closet, bottle of Bailey’s in hand, muttering “no more... no more...”

My god, the cocaine is probably flowing like wine at Clinton HQ this weekend.

“I need to clarify my statements in that video. When I said “grab her by the pussy,” I meant with one hand. You can’t do it like you’re a powerlifter, you know? One hand, two fingers in. Like a bowling ball. Make America Great Again. Vote Trump.”

I’ve long held that 30 is about the cutoff. At age 30, as a person, there may be some lane changes or speed adjustments, but whatever road you’re on is the one that you’re riding to the end.

Also, “Bill has actually assaulted women?”

Yep. I never understood that line of argument. “Anyone who knows me know that’s not me.”

Now playing

A fun thing to do: look at that photo while listening to this:

I wouldn’t vote for Ryan, but I also wouldn’t put too much stock in his performance as VP under a guy who had lost so much of the vote with his 49% comment by that point (and still came in fairly close, all things considered!) as compared to a Ryan-led presidential campaign four years later.

And he overreacted to boot. Even if he thought a tweet was better than direct contact with the people who could address the issue, why not something like “hey, EA, your new game’s Twitter stuff is using my real username. Can you kindly patch that out?”

I’d be upset if I killed my little sister and people kept bringing it up, too.

Spurned Bernie Bros who can’t accept that he lost.

Alternately, be awful at your obsession with blood testing and maybe one day you can be a junior phlebotomist at a Labcorp office or the local county STD testing center.

I’m pretty sure that’s how Silicon Valley works.

When you are really bad at a thing and you love doing that thing so much that you can’t stop, there’s no limit to your potential amount or severity of failures.