Jeb! and the Holograms

And now you know why your kids need to hear the word “no” and be allowed to fail every so often.

Pence is the most spineless coward of them all. Say what you will about your Ryans or Cruzes, but they both only offered tepid support after realizing that it was better for their political futures to be seen as “team players.” That’s a form of cowardice itself, sure, but I don’t think it’s AS pathetic and craven as

STILL with this bullshit? Christ.

We’ll never know, but remember that “superior” is a completely subjective term. You and I feel that Clinton’s idea of “let’s allow immigration, but try to keep the terrorists out” is superior to Trump’s idea of “KEEP EVERYONE OUT AND THEN KILL THEIR FAMILIES WITH DRONES,” but ~40% of the country disagrees.

Jeb had a hell of a time finding any actual serious contributors/donors to his campaign (Bush family money spends the same, but it doesn’t count) and couldn’t scare up much in the way of support once it was clear that he seemed to have no idea what he was doing or a desire to keep going:

Nah. Palin wouldn’t be doing any better than Trump (and would likely be doing slightly worse, seeing as Trump’s countless misogynistic statements/actions seem to reverberate nicely with his core supporters, which, if logic follows, means they would have trouble voting for a woman).

This. Nobody made her wear heels.

I agree that the flag was bullshit, but the no-fun rules are the rules. Beckham also isn’t doing himself any favors by repeatedly exposing himself as an overgrown toddler prone to temper tantrums when provoked because his psyche is as fragile as an eggshell.

“Use Condom Sense!”

Booing the anthem. SMDH. Why do these students hate America?

The way he set his feet, I thought he was about to go Full Undertaker, but that was a nice belly to belly suplex.

It is, though. You can easily read that as a damning indictment of the world’s treatment of the accused/convicted and you wouldn’t be wrong, but overall, the US is one of the best places to defend oneself against criminal charges.

You may want to read up on how our melanin-positive brothers and sisters get treated in Germany, France, Belgium, more or less all across Europe (Japan and Korea, too).

Any time you feel like our criminal justice system is broken (and it is!), take solace in the fact that it is still one of the best there is.

Says the person who penned more than one performative defense of her absurd behavior.

Oh, I don’t care what Internet randos call me or think of me.

If you don’t act like a hysterical jackass online, people won’t assume you are one or call you one.

Yes, those are the only two kinds of people in the world.


You have better odds of winning the lottery and being struck by lightning in the same week than of having to deal with this. Shut the fuck with the annoying histrionics.