Jeb! and the Holograms

You mean literally the best state the world has ever been in?

Because her act is so over the top and kneejerk contrarian.

My sources indicate the Patriots will be starting an untested import from Mexico, Tomàs Bradià:

Well, this is what happens when you’re a rando dipshit former governor who hoped to swindle some sweet donor cash and get a small Q rating bump and ended up trapped in an election between two supremely unlikable “real” candidates.

Or that the only reason he’s anything is because of Daddy’s money and name.

And somewhere in America, Skip Bayless’ pants became just a little more snug for reasons he could not explain.

OK, man ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

You understand that he can’t help himself, right? That the urge to act the way he does overrides everything else the way a drug addict’s desire for another hit does?

“Teach him...”

Yup. I guarantee you 50% of Hillary’s strategy was seeing which buttons set him off when pushed. Watch what happens next time. She’s gonna hammer those motherfuckers like she’s playing Wack A Mole.

tfw u wanna be loyal to ur friend, but realize he might get you nuked someday

I agree that it was dumb for Dana to agree to let him chase both belts and potentially hold both without some sort of agreement in place that he would, if a dual champion, defend both belts at least once a year.

Yep, saying it was too soon after he had returned to training.

I can see both sides of it. Yes, even after the quick KO, Aldo has a claim to another shot. At the same time, when the UFC has a dearth of marketable, bankable stars, like it or not, the personality-less former champ who never drew flies to shit and lost in humiliating fashion isn’t gonna be the guy who’s at the top

I think ol’ Rudolph is going senile. That quote is only barely coherent.

“I think it’s really dangerous to answer such important questions that have confounded so many people for hundreds of years, to ask me to give you my solutions, as if I had any, in 30 seconds.”

Just wait.

There is going to be a fucking FIRESTORM of pure Trump tweets later tonight.

The thing is, bad tweets aside, if you look at 538's main page for this election, it’s broken down in about 19 different ways. Some show Clinton clearly winning, some show Trump upsetting her and some show it as a dead heat.

And Syria’s issues with ISIS aren’t like, say, Chicago’s issues with gang violence, where you have your “safe” zones and so long as you avoid certain areas, you’ll never have to really worry about it. ISIS runs more than half the country, are very active in the remainder and would LOVE to take a star actress from the