
Thank you. Looks like the usual suspects in this year’s NBA Draft. Some good, some bad, but they’re all ready to play their heart out, make new friends and leave it all out there on the floor. Play ball!

before you vote, make sure you consider this. it definitely pushed me over the edge

i had to think about it for a while until i saw this. absolutely unforgivable.

Never heard of this guy. Not really a soccer fan though.

That’s actually just a rhetorical device you see sometimes. He wasn’t talking to the website itself, just a representative from the website. You’ll often see something like “[Whoever] told the New York Times” in a story, which means they were talking to a journalist from the paper, not to the actual physical

That’s weird. Doesn’t he usually not wear a shirt?

who’s that

No, that only happens in the hockey game. This kind of thing is much more serious

The Disney character? Seriously? This guy must be a fucking idiot.

Wow. With behavior like that, you would be forgiven for thinking that he’s in fact a prospect for the, “U.S. Senators”!

I guess it’s good to lose in soccer then? I don’t know anything about it, not really a fan.

Never heard of this guy. Not really a soccer fan though.

Are you ranking them based on how good the sport is or how good he would be at the sport

“ Does this mean the Mariners cared more about the September 11th attacks than other teams?”

Excuse me?

Thanks! That guy really set it up for me though.

you’re right. it is beautiful

yeah with a baby eating ice cream. or making a mess or something. i’ll be honest, i have no idea what you mean

Ah - but he was already beaten to it by Deadspin writer Drew Magary. Better luck next time kid!

Yeah, for now.