
She heard a violent altercation that went on much longer than a few minutes. In fact, it was her testimony and her comments to the police that sealed the original conviction. There is, as we must all know, an enormous difference between someone falling in a bathtub and someone being thrown repeatedly around a room, in

Yeah about that...ESPN, Fox, NBC, and I’ll even throw in CBS, couldn’t do this even if they wanted to. The NFL has such a stronghold on them with the TV contracts that any reporter for them would probably be fired if they even thought about publishing a series like this.

“claimed that Holder merely slipped and fell”

Dayuuim Deadspin. Gotta give it you this is some great muckraking, and journalism. ESPN, Fox Sports, NBC may want to take notes.

My favorite photo from the book:

How did Washington’s lawyers gain access to my browser history?


Half the examples didn’t lower the home value at all - just didn’t recoup the costs.

I think there’s a difference between “lowering the value” of a home and “getting your money back”. Because the “value” of a home is what the market will pay for it, that can be affected by a lot of different variables. Getting your money back is different, because just about anything could fall into this category. Is

actually, i predict he will front a band with his so called wife/sister and make millions, then go on to form 2 other bands and have a succesful solo career. he will also form a rivalry with another well known 2 piece blues based band. that’s just speculation though

I know, but it seems that indentation is always askew, or one side of it is low. I usually just avoid nails and use hidden screws, or use a nail gun.

My problem is the nail set slips off the nail head and I end up punching a small hole next to the nail.

ETA: We rarely serviced Wachovia loans, like 2-3 a month per inspector. No idea why, just doing what I was told.

ETA: We rarely serviced Wachovia loans, like 2-3 a month per inspector. No idea why, just doing what I was told.

It’s pretty cool, I tried it once, but the “rollerball” refills need a cap or they’ll dry out. Haven’t tried the “ballpoint” refills. Also I didn’t like the super sharp point, some times it dug in the paper and tore or jammed. I’m pretty junk at writing though.

It’s pretty cool, I tried it once, but the “rollerball” refills need a cap or they’ll dry out. Haven’t tried the

Imagine being the guy knocking on doors when all those loans went south. 50+ a day, every day. Mostly it was sad, but sometimes it was scary. I’ve been chased off a few times.

Imagine being the guy knocking on doors when all those loans went south. 50+ a day, every day. Mostly it was sad,

Rub it and it’ll go away.

As a Mets fan I truly do understand your disappointment. But, more importantly, as Mets fan:

Pain isn’t what I’m feeling with this pic.