i’m with you on that one- i disappoint myself daily in terms of thoughts/self questions.
i’m with you on that one- i disappoint myself daily in terms of thoughts/self questions.
indeed on the nailgun. if you absolutely need to use the standard finish nails, i’ll use a larger nail set tool, where it is large enough to cover the head completely, cupping it if you will, (mine has indentions on the larger tools), then get it as far as possible that way, only returning to the proper size tool when…
seriously? this is a real thing? let me give a clue for people, if you have trouble accessing your phone, to the point at which you have to ‘lifehack’ it, BUY A SMALLER PHONE. it’d be like giving the suggestion to a bunch of tiny people; yeah, go out and buy a ford f350, then fasten blocks to the bottom of your feet…
that dude will be texting his only friend in the world in a couple of days, warning him not to go to school that day. coz, you know, he looks like the columbine type.
i’ve got 4 of those already (kids, not balls), but i’m still pretty attached to those things. er vice-versa
i’ve got 4 of those already (kids, not balls), but i’m still pretty attached to those things. er vice-versa
yea i thought about finding a nice pen to replace the mont blanc that i lost ~15 years ago, but then i thought about how it would feel to have my balls ripped from my person, since that’s what my wife would do when she realized. and suddenly i thought to myself, “self?” coz that’s what i call myself; i said, “self?…
yea i thought about finding a nice pen to replace the mont blanc that i lost ~15 years ago, but then i thought about…
“.... we love our storage room”
...oh by the way, ex-lender here myself. for wachovia, king of the negative-am loans. i sometimes feel dirty that i allowed them to convince me to sell their ridiculous pick-a-pay loan. but damn did they pay well for selling that bad boy.
...oh by the way, ex-lender here myself. for wachovia, king of the negative-am loans. i sometimes feel dirty that i…
“...never worry about a big stick being in my pocket. “
“...never worry about a big stick being in my pocket. “
agreed. although i liked the way they wrote [sometimes], the ink stays wet for eternity, and they always seem to drool all over the place.
agreed. although i liked the way they wrote [sometimes], the ink stays wet for eternity, and they always seem to…