
You mean “at will” states. “At will” means that either the employee or the employer can end the employment relationship for any reason (that’s not illegal) at any time. “Right to work” has to do with not having to join a union in a unionized workplace.

It depends on whether the person was A List at the time or A List now. Guardians of the Galaxy came out the year that this took place, the next year was Jurassic World. Pratt was conceivably achieving A List status just after this incident.

The six-part series on Kissinger made me physically ill. I’m old enough to know who he was, but too young to know live through the completely evil shit he thought up and supported.

She was 18 when she met Manson, 20 years her senior. I don’t know about you, but I certainly didn’t have great ideas about what grown-up relationships should look like at 18 years old. And dark, brooding dudes seemed “romantic” instead of “a bunch of red flags held together by angst and eyeliner”.

You know who else went on a “road trip in Africa”? The British, the French, the Dutch, the Germans....
That didn’t seem to go too well for the Africans.

I’m currently eating them for lunch, mixed with Xtra Cheddar Flavor Blasted Goldfish. It’s an excellent combo.

“clamor to put old boyfriends behind bars in order to dispense with the inconvenience of giving birth,

Yup. That’s what manslaughter charges are for -- someone is dead by accident. Even if he didn’t intend to kill Neely, Neely is dead.

This was my response, after “He’s still alive?”

I was at one of those concerts. Flew overseas for the first time in my life. It was effing magic. Kate Bush is a goddess.

I’ve been known to slice up a cucumber and put it in the Grillo’s brine to “make my own pickles”.

Even if it was “just a story” and he was “creating art”, he’s responsible for how his art is received. If you make art, it can be interpreted in ways you didn’t intend. If your art isn’t interpreted how you want it to be, that’s not the fault of the audience, that’s your fault for not being clear in your art. You

Yeah, no. Wealthy white nepo babies who deny science so they can sell $400 jade eggs for your hooha do not get my sympathy. She has all the money she could ever need. But she continues to peddle ED and snake oil to people who believe what she says because she’s thin, white and blonde. She’s the one who created her own

Securities and Exchange Commission, not Committee.

Need I remind you that Prue is the woman who opined that she needed both holes so she can squirt? She knows what she’s doing.

I recently found out that I like virgin mojitos because I asked a bartender, “Do you guys have any mocktails?” She said they didn’t, but could make me one and asked, “Do you like mint?” I said yes and she made it. When I complimented her on the drink she told me what it was.

But I didn’t just say, “Make me a drink and

I generally do the “I’m debating between the lamb and the salmon. Which one do you like better?” But I still make the ultimate decision. I wouldn’t make them choose for me. 

Exactly. The weather in winter is shitty, no question. But you learn how to dress for it. Most Chicagoans know you don’t have just one winter coat. You have several for different temperatures and precipitation. You buy the good snow boots and you don’t worry about style or fashion. 

I would argue it’s worse when Gwyneth influences mothers rather than young women. These “middle aged moms” are mothering young people who see their attitudes about food, diets and weight and think it’s normal and healthy. If Mom is worried about being fat and only eats bone broth and asparagus, what is she feeding her

Agreed. I am a firm believer that people can do their jobs in jeans and a t-shirt just as well as in a suit and tie. However, when you are a Powerful Person discussing a Serious Topic, maybe your best sartorial choice is not your pink bunny slippers.