
I don’t think Planned Parenthood has the time or expertise to weigh on Global Political issues. Nonprofits need a singularity of purpose to fund raise and to maintain an actual knowledge base. Not everyone who supports abortion is going to share the same view on the Israel Palestine conflict. Not everyone supporting

If you have no chemistry with the lead, why stick around? I get it if you’re a 20 yr old, there for a fun vacation, to increase your followers, and hopefully end up on Bachelor in Paradise. But if you’re in your 60s or 70s and they’re making you sleep on bunk beds??! Hell no! Go home and see your new grandbaby!

Holy moly.  Looks like talent skipped that generation.

Frankly I remember feeling exactly the same way about the Harry Potter franchise. I recall seeing one of the films with a group of about 8 friends and thinking, what in hell is this about? All the incantations, character names, spells, curses, villains, feuds, histories and amulets sounded like a swirl of meaningless

When I see the trolls here, It reminds me of how dumb and gullible Republicans are. They now blame Black people and Jews for the racism visited upon them simply because they want to address certain situations. They go as far as calling them the racist.

If all the other news stories about people being hurt, maimed or killed with these social media challenges haven’t stopped people, I don’t think one more is going to make a difference.

Franke’s business partner and therapist Jodi Hildebrandt.”

Wansn’t posted as diagnostic criterion, but a behavioural element.
Can confirm (more than one experience within the family).

This incident reminds me of Rebecca Schaeffer.

As Kylie says, of course there are people out there that would act this way, but the show choosing to portray this instead of anything that really addresses the topic of abortion, and in this political climate, is at least a little disappointing.

When a pregnancy is introduced in a series due to either the performer being pregnant, or the chance to add more characters, it makes sense. But to introduce a false dilemma/the possibility of abortion & then “solve” it with a miscarriage is cheap.

Kevin Federline? The guy whose been in the payroll for 15 years and hasn’t worked a job since?

It’s not clear that she actually did these things. She been accused. People make acuasations all the time in search of a payday especailly if they’ve been let go. Her problem is one that many of us face and that’s letting the work place relationship spill into after hours. I learned late in my career the “you are

Actually, it happens A LOT MORE...but having an eating disorder that makes you too skinny or too muscular is not a moral failure in this dichotomy, but being fat IS. 

I mean, Caitlin’s only in this for Caitlin and her money so it’s not a huge surprise that she’d be pissed about something that impacts her directly - being included in the commercial - but absolutely not about anything else that impacts the trans community. She’s a piece of shit. What else is new.

It must really kill you the lengths they’re going to just to not go out with you.

“The fact that I’m still attracted to men proves that sexuality isn’t a choice.”
- A million women on twitter who have reposted this

While I won’t defend her MOST artists do it to one degree or another, though I think it’s more relevant in pop/rap side of things that rock, I have no idea about country cause country is the devils music.

The video is, for some reason, set to Kate Bush’s “Running up That Hill.”

You, me, and everyone else on this site literally swims through mass culture on a daily basis. You can't escape it. It's very ubiquitousness is what makes it important to consume critically, to analyze the messages its passing on, and to call it out when it perpetuates racist, sexist and other harmful messages and