
“Those tits are for selling beer, not feeding infants, you wanton jezebel!”

Also, I would think that, if all of this were true, someone coaching tween girls would explain to them that yes, they will be playing, but no, they will not be competing in the tournament. If I were the coach, I’d be very clear about what exactly was happening so as to avoid meltdowns (from kids and parents alike).

Guess I’m switching my prescriptions to a local pharmacy and telling Walgreens why.

Hollywood is prudish because sexuality is experienced as a commodity to be sold, not an exploration or a personal journey. Who’s the person with the power? Always the man, treating the woman like a possession. So no matter how depraved the acts, it’s just a product, with no feeling or meaning behind it.

Cis-het white

I’d argue that Dylan is a memorable singer, but not a great one. His singing style is distinctive, but I never feel like he’s emoting. To me, a great singer makes you feel something, and it’s the delivery that makes that happen.

Would you like to go through life knowing you were Mommy’s Lil’ Get Out Of Jail Free Card? That seems more cruel to me than making someone pay for the consequences of their actions, especially when the child will have at least one parent, family, friends and financial resources to ensure support and care.

“Used to” are the operative words in that sentence. The last few times I’ve been there, I’ve been less than impressed. The quality is not as it used to be.

She hated the Roman Catholic Church before most of us did. Kudos for that, at least.

But he wasn’t a stranger; he was the dad of their friend. He was living in their home seeing their most private moments. That’s infinitely more intimate than a random guy at a yoga studio. His “fatherly advice” seemed to help one of the students so the others started trusting him. This man’s job in the Marines was

The owner can do or not do whatever they like because it’s their business. Patrons can choose to visit or not as they like, for whatever reason they like. That’s the beauty of it. Don’t like it? Don’t go there. There are plenty of places that cater to families.

If you can, watch the documentary. They do a good job of explaining what he was giving to the kids (and at 19-20 they were still not fully-formed adults). He gave them structure and advice, told them he had all the answers and could guide them to be successful adults. He had a background in psy ops and used it against

From what they portray in the documentary, the “dorm” was more like a townhouse. It really didn’t seem to be a secure building with a front desk, gate or other security measures. It also seemed to be on the outskirts of campus rather than in a populated area so unless someone was there a lot, you might not notice

A BIPOC friend pointed me to this essay by bell hooks about Madonna ( years ago, and this line really struck me:

What kind of statement does that make about our society? 4 teenagers being shot is no big deal because “Hey, it’s not like anyone died or anything.”

“In a dark Covid shut down, when businesses were fighting to survive, with people experiencing mental health issues, uncertainty, suicide, substance abuse, domestic violence and fear, we were able to provide through a number of tasteless videos, offensive humor and straight up racism, which drove business from fucked

But the judge’s ruling wasn’t based on other issues in the relationship. The judge didn’t terminate Williams’ rights because of the restraining order or other circumstances. The judge ruled that one member of the married couple needed to adopt the child for it to be considered hers, even though the couple was married

THANK YOU. As a singer, I’ve sung the anthem in a hockey arena about 1/20th the size of that stadium. It’s damn near impossible to hear how you actually sound. If it’s cold or damp, your voice can just seize up on you no matter how warmed up you are (ask me how I know). You don’t get a do-over. The production crew is m

And as a diabetic, I can wholeheartedly say, “Thanks for endangering my life so you can wear a smaller size.”

These kids learned their racism well from their parents. Many Catholics are MAGAts because “Deh Unborned Baybeez!” The racism is just a plus in their eyes.

Just don’t be pro-choice! Everything else is A-OK with the church.