
All those slogans sound like the design department was run by an insufferable bro who kept saying shit like

Text information is sufficient for tenants rights court. My parents own a bunch of rental properties and they’ve used texts as evidence before here in Missouri.

If you get a case number from the police that may help if you need to contact them again. When I had problems with my evil ex-landlord, the police told me to photograph everything, but fortunately nothing happened to my stuff. I hadn’t moved out yet, though (he was threatening to put everything to the curb).

Um, your landlord should have been arrested (or at least ticketed) for mis-using 911 and calling in a false burglary report.

What he did was kind of a variation of “swatting.” The police might charge him, he lied, misused the 911 system, and wasted police time. Of course this is all beside the main point, which is that you have had really horrible experience! You handled yourself very well.

Not to pile on, but I’d be worried that the items you left may be gone when you go back in a week, or damage to the dwelling. I would seek legal counsel. Good luck. Sorry this happened to you.

I have a 10 month old and have had a similar experience. We had a sick family member that my partner needed to be with a lot during the early days. It set a precedent that I did everything. I kept quiet because it was super important for him to be with family, but eventually it all came flooding out. I also

I’m in the middle of a move. I’ve lived at the place for a year. I gave my landlord notice at the beginning of the month that i would be moving. I haven’t been sleeping there since last weekend. I went there today to finish some packing and start cleaning up the place. My landlord was in the garage when I pulled into

This isn’t to necessarily garner responses but I just needed to vent for a bit, and don’t know where else to do it.

The light has gone out of my life.

Really disappointed in the commentary on here re: the Aziz story. I highly recommend this read for those who still don’t get it.

I prefer to give women like this my attention.

“ cousin converted a couple years ago and Islam has done nothing but improve his life.”

“we could still comfort ourselves with the reminder that we’re not as bad as white men”

Sure, Millie Bobby Brown is not yet 14, but let’s immediately toss her into the slimepit of gossip as it relates to women celebrities. Stay tuned for such prurient classics as: “Is she still a virgin?” “Will she marry him?” “Are they breaking up?” “Has post-breakup Millie become a skank?”... and on and on and on.

But I can say that I would be surprised if many women did not understand that there was a climate of verbal harassment that existed [at the Today Show]. It was verbal sexual harassment.”

There was some sleaziness to his plays, but nothing that seemed outside the Tom Haverford playbook of overreaching. Certainly nothing that constitutes coercion.

The story reads to me like a groupie dissatisfied she was treated like a groupie.

Just here for the comments: