
No. No, thank you.

I can’t get over how much she gave to WikiLeaks. It was reckless and stupid.

It’s a joke. This isn’t a blow for unrepresentef trans people, but the act of a self-indulgent, deluded person. No matter how anyone spins it, she violated an oath and obviously (admittedly) did not really consider the ramifications for frontline soldiers.

This isn’t a contest for me: I’ll be voting for Ben Cardin as I have before. He’s a great Senator with a strong liberal track record.

Her recent ‘fuck the police’ rant along with her inability to ever obtain a security clearance again (given that she was convicted of a felony) will make it tricky.

Hope she lives a life that she can be proud of, but this is stupid. If anything else, the diplomatic cables she leaked were a clear case of Assange taking advantage of someone in a fragile state and getting her to dump everything she could possibly find.

Her record on the misuse of classified materials and who she can keep her mouth shut to should immediately preclude her from even being a candidate for further government service.

It also requires competency. In what reality do you think that Manning offers that?

Ugh. There is so much wrong with Manning, none of it related to her identity as a trans woman.

Someone needs to take this poor, deluded idiot in hand and explain that this is a catastrophically terrible idea. She has already done her bit for King and Country with the WikiLeaks thing and needs to retire quietly to the sidelines. Surely she must realize that her public image is permanently compromised re:

Maryland is one of the Blackest states in the country, with a Democratic party that is almost entirely Black. There is no way in hell Manning has the cultural and political understanding to run there without falling on her face. Also, there is a long history of comments about Obama from her and her supporters that

Yes! I was being hassled in public at a music event by some old dude who “was just trying to be nice why are you getting mad!?!?” yet wouldn’t leave me alone. Dozens of people were within spitting distance of us but I couldn’t catch anyone’s eye for assistance. Some amazing petite woman about 7" shorter than me walked

I’m a man. I recently intervened to help a woman who was being literally assaulted in a parking lot with at least a dozen people standing by watching. When I intervened, the guy turned his attention to me, which gave her time to get into her car and escape. Immediately after he and I were engaged, 8-10 people rushed

Couldn’t they embrace this and do a “throwback” mall—themed mall? With all the old stores you only got at malls, like Claire’s and Spencer’s and Sbarro’s? Bring back the sunken food court atrium and a Musicland straight out of Fast Times at Ridgemont High. Kids love the retro shit.

Where do today’s youth gather to eat junk food and pretend their moms aren’t coming to pick them up in 45 minutes now that malls aren’t cool?

Hey I don’t make the memes: I just repost them.

Ikr? It’s not feminism, it’s Ivanka-ism”.

“Show me a smart, competent young professional woman who is utterly derailed by a verbal unwanted sexual advance or an inappropriate comment about her appearance, and I will show you a rare spotted owl.”

Women of a certain age can be so disappointing in their service to men. It’s like some sort of Stockholm’s syndrome.