
The body adjusts. I’ve been doing this 5 days per week for about 6 months. Lost 30 pounds and feel great. I’ll go back to normal eating eventually, but it saves time not having to cook as much. When you’re in fat-burning mode, you don’t feel lack of energy because your body adjusts to it. That’s what fat is—stored

I made that comment at the beginning of The Orville’s run. It has definitely developed since that time. Hail Avis. 

I can only hope so, but he’s still listed as undecided on Maybe he got sick of hearing from people like me. But what the hell--I still call Todd Young and voice my opposition to pretty much everything he does. I know it barely makes a dent with a Dem, especially a DINO like Donnelly, but it does absolutely

I’m sure he had a private screening room and wanked off to Triumph of the Will.

From the Daily Fail article:

Skin should be capable of photosynthesis. It would solve world hunger.

I’m pro-freedom. Because these restrictions are definitely anti-freedom.

I believe the big drawback is that those foxes had a tendency to pee when they get excited.

Poor fella just made a mistake. Now you want to lock up a nice young man who coulda had a bright future? (CNN’s hot take)

At least she didn’t have to die to get noticed more.

All we need is one episode of a woman lying about allegations for attention, and it would be #1 with MRAs and idiots who think all claims are desperate cries for attention. Or maybe an episode where the victim isn’t clear about who the attacker was, or is fuzzy about what actually happened. I really don’t want to see

According to fundamentalist Christians and prosperity gospel among other sects, if something bad happens to you, it’s because of a sin you committed. So if a woman has a stillbirth, she killed the baby with her thoughts/sin or she was punished by God for some kind of wickedness. When they blame women for this sort of

I’m not sure if this is cross-posted on Jezebel, but I read that blog, too. I am not rich, but when I was a kid, I went to a school that was mainly white and Middle class/Upper Middle class, and they started bussing in students from an underperforming school. I am glad my parents never made a stink about it, and I

Catherine Deneuve is training the hotline staff to hang up on everybody, saying this whole MeToo witchhunt thing is ruining flirting.

it doesn’t mean, in an egalitarian sense, that a woman is of lesser importance. It’s just that they have different roles.”

Love your username. And they did vet him—they wanted free press. Thought maybe get the Breitbart set to subscribe.

Video of the alleged perpetrator running from where he was allegedly breaking windows and the location of the shooting appeared to match from the info I saw. A 4-inch height disparity can’t be that unusual if the person is running/moving. He was wearing similar clothing to what was described by alleged vandalism

No way! That’s a real thing?!?! There was a joke about some Jane Austen world on a holodeck type simulation on Red Dwarf.