So after 35, you’ll be free of the MRA’s? That sounds like a plus!
So after 35, you’ll be free of the MRA’s? That sounds like a plus!
Pinkham should join them.
I hate that “male feminist is a wolf in sheep’s clothing” has become such a stereotype, because how do we get male allies if we can’t trust men who try to be allies. But was so hard during #MeToo to see these “confessions” from male feminists who I know to be abusive who were like, “When I was younger I…
I can’t wait for this dude to reinvent himself as an ex-feminist on Joe Rogan’s podcast.
What is that quote? “We don’t need men in feminist spaces, we need men to take male spaces and make them feminist.”
And, if my anecdata from college can be trusted, approach every self-proclaimed male feminist with a healthy dose of skepticism, as they have a nasty habit of mansplaining feminism to you and/or using it as a buzzword to try to wheedle you into casual sex with them. (Because if you were a good feminist, you’d be…
men can be feminists, but don’t trust a single fucking one who makes a living off feminism.
What a delightful human being. He and Hugo Schwyzer should go out for drinks sometime.
I’m so hungry, do you mind if I eat the donut on your head?
I also didn’t get a naughty vibe. At worst, I got a “You’re too skinny, eat a sandwich” vibe. It could have even been a “come take a break and eat” vibe.
Watched the video. It does not seem salacious, and Cuomo hardly looks at her after she sits down to eat. He introduced her around and mostly looks at the people across the table and the camera. He does not seem to be trying to watch her eat a sausage like a perv.
Oh god. Her uncomfortable laugh. Her trying to play along at the same time as putting him off, her attempt to normalize things as she’s sexualized in front of everyone so she can save a scrap of dignity. Recognizable and awful. Fuck this guy. This is public sexual harassment. Disgusting. These are so many men who…
And suddenly, 7th grade boys, frat bros, MRA’s, and major Hollywood players quietly chuckled, as the psychic connection between all douchey types is strong and vibrant, and when one makes a shitty joke, the rest will respond accordingly.
Cuomo is nothing more than a rich, spoiled, pervert from Manhattan whose dad paved the way for all of his accomplishments. Oh God, he’s going to be President, isn’t he?
She should have started eating it horizontally, like an ear of corn - like Amy Farrah Fowler, because “That’s how good girls eat a banana”.
i’ve tried and tried to find my expiration date stamp but can’t!! I wish they’d help me :(
She’s a fucking PHENOMENAL actress who was big back in the ‘80s.