
Whoa, do you have a link to a write-up/blind? I’ve never heard of this rumor (although it is 100% believable) and want more info.

A shitty accent.

Years ago (like about 20) I worked with a woman whose young son would stop by the office a lot. He was a sophomore or junior in high school. Anyway, he told me a really creepy story about Kevin Spacey coming on to him hardcore at some DC Clinton dinner-type event. The kid’s parents were connected somehow and rated an

You’re right, there is totally nothing inappropriate about a grown man inviting a 14 year old to a party with alcohol into his bed. Totally normal.

Even that’s not going to pass water.

Nope. Because unwanted ass grabs start a slippery slide. How about, everyone just keep their hands to themselves?

And how come no men have come forward to say his arm grazed their asses when HW was in a wheelchair????

“I’m cool when I get grabbed so everyone else should be too” is a really bad take on this.

Sorry, I don’t care how damn old you are because I will kick your ass. Some old man came at me once and I told him “it would be a pity to live so long and to have it end like this”. Old man Bush is and always was an ass hole.

I think that “Enabler” is the unofficial title for most First Ladies :(

Go. To. Hell. Seriously.

Twelve years ago. This happened 12 years ago. His wheelchair excuse doesn’t work if he’s only been in a wheelchair for 5 years. What a jerk. His wife is an enabler too.

Oh ... Oh! Oh, god! Nooooooooooooooo! Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy? Ah! Brain bleach!

Dudes at the top are there mainly because of the War on Christmas. They need their seasonal Santa job.

“Master race” — every time I see someone who doesn’t look like an inbred yokel in that video, they turn out to be a press member.

The arguments for dementia are getting less and less convincing as the incidents get farther and farther back in time.

The funny thing is I’ve heard her say in interviews that Depardieu was actually pretty respectful towards her while filming that. Outside of, you know, participating in a weird ass movie that should’ve set off warning bells for everyone involved.

What the hell does that have to do with anything?

Please stop these needless inflammatory attacks on Seagal, so we can return our rapt attention to his authoritative views on what it takes to be a patriotic American.