
You are right to feel that way.. the current state of things around here is not encouraging whatsoever, and in fact, feels more like the Worst Nightmare From Hell in All Eternity.

This is exactly how I feel about sci-fi/fantasy media that is abusive to women. It seems like an excuse to show the rape/torture/humiliation of women and then hide behind the fact that it’s fiction. If it’s fiction, WRITE IT WITHOUT THE ABUSE OF WOMEN.

Sir, you can’t climb that - no, it’s not “the best jungle gym ever” - no, Sir. You have to try to get a budget...GET DOWN FROM THERE RIGHT NOW MISTER OR YOU ARE GOING IN TIME OUT!!!

Thank god. This sculpture is such garbage. I have a serious problem with “artists” (especially male ones) who depict *sexy ladies* and then act like, because it’s ART, it exists outside of cultural critique, and therefore can’t be sexist or exploitative or objectifying.

It does matter. It TOTALLY matters.

Six weeks?! That’s MURDER, Y’ALLS! I demand a six second abortion law. If you can get an abortion within six seconds of conception, happy babykilling to you. If not, TOO BAD. Signed, Women-loving Republicans of ‘Murica.

I don’t even live in the US (yet) and I am livid. So they take away your insurance, if you can afford insurance you might still have to pay extra for birth control, sex ed is supposed to be removed from school from what I’ve heard, so women are supposed to keep their legs closed but at the same time they should cater

Let this be a reminder that unlike what certain self described progressives say, we absolutely cannot compromise and allow antiabortion people on the Democratic ticket in an effort to win seats.

I’m so fucking pissed off right now, I just want to beat someone.

They don’t want you to have that choice. They’re not at all concerned with your child’s suffering after it is born, nor are they concerned about stillbirths.

Oh, they’ll have their own abortion provider on retainer.

Hell, you (or just about any woman) could have had a miscarriage and just thought it was a heavy period a week later and that would be “god’s” choice. But Steve King would throw you in jail if you decided for yourself.

As a pregnant woman (14 weeks)... I have an amniocentesis scheduled Monday because of a genetic test I took - I screened that either my baby or my placenta or myself might have Turner Syndrome (or I lost a chromosome).

Silly rabbit, bans only work on abortion rights and drugs, nothing else!

Once this law is passed, they’ll immediately focus on extinguishing even the 6 week window. They’ve been pushing this incrementalist agenda for decades. A complete abortion ban under all circumstances is their endgame.

I had my abortion at 6 weeks. I took a pregnancy test about 2 weeks before when I thought my period was late and it came back negative. The only reason I took another test was because I know my body and I knew something was off. Plus, I’m a hypochondriac. So technically, at the time of my abortion, my period was only

Ban at 6 weeks*

Her saying things like “this gay” sent her that letter is even more offensive than gleefully reciting f****.

So the right to an abortion is a clearly established, decades-long constitutional right. Can you imagine the fucking outcry if some Democrat introduced a bill to ban all firearms?