
Do you consider 19 minutes and 30 seconds of sobbing to be using the full time?

I am as radiant as the sun, which is why I have to answer phones. Otherwise my hotness would cause rioting in the streets.

There is a Saudi satire show where a Saudi man in the future runs to his young daughter and says “Guess who can drive?”

I have to admit that my imagined scenario came from an incident at a company I worked for for many years. A manager got in an argument with the CEO in a meeting. The CEO sent him directly out of the meeting room and into a cab. He then had the guy’s personal stuff boxed up and called a 2nd cab to take that stuff to

Given that she’s allowed to show her face, she already has more rights than human females in KSA. Gotta love it.

It amazes me to this day what the Saudis get away with because they’re our “allies”, including 9/11, Wahhabism (which they’ve helped spread worldwide) and modern day slavery. I mean, a lot of the workers in Saudi homes are basically slaves; their passports are taken away and they have no rights and are regulary

You gotta pay to ride, sir.

Okay but sometimes there is one or two really small, extra toasty brown pops at the bottom of the box and they’re absolutely delicious and yes I do live in a state where marijuana is legal, why do you ask?

That’s cute. There are nearly 9 million migrant workers in KSA who have worked in the country for decades doing the jobs that regular Saudis won’t do and endured some of the most horrible abuse you can imagine but please, grant citizenship to a f*cking robot.

By “taken to task” I hope you mean fired. Called into HR and then escorted out of the building immediately. (Maybe a Kellogg’s janitor would like to help escort him.) Then his stuff from his desk tossed in a cardboard box and mailed to his sad apartment.

So a robot has more rights than 52% of Saudi’s population. Seems par for the course... /s

“I am very honored and proud of this unique distinction. This is historical to be the first robot in the world to be recognized with a citizenship.”

Corn rows actually.

That was my question. If you’re anthropomorphizing the cereal I don’t think there’s any need to assign race.

Kids eating Corn Pops: “Daddy, what’s a mall?”

I’m not saying we need corn pop diversity. Corn pops aren’t people! But if you’re going to the trouble of making one brown, let it party with the other corn pops, for god’s sake.

I’m not going to blame the brand, because I can guarantee you this was the work of some little dipshit MAGA troll in advertising who did this and is probably having a real big fucking laugh over it with his 4chan buds right now. I mean, why is there even a fucking janitor there in the first place? It’s completely out

while correct, he’s not asking the right question which is: