
This is insane. One the one-hand, the conservatives don’t want her to have an abortion. Once that baby is born, though, those same people will be consider it an “anchor baby” who is wasting our tax dollars. Unreal. You just can’t fucking win with these people.

Oh yeah. Over here in the good old U S of A we have pregnancy centers that many people who are in trouble don’t realize aren’t abortion providers. They have no doctors, only have ultrasound machines and techs, and someone to talk you into having your baby. There was a big billboard for one of these on my way to work

“...they made me see a doctor that tried to convince me not to abort and to look at sonogram...”

And what were they going to do if she did have the child? Give it citizenship? Health care? Freaking food and shelter? Don’t make me laugh.

This was the scariest fucking story about our government. Between their horrible arguments about undocumented people not being actual fucking people and their fucking handmaiden tale style moralizing this is the scariest the GOP has been.

Driving’s kinda crazy with a spooky little car like You

It would appear they only manifest themselves when needed to take out an errant BMW driver.


I don’t think it’s a “Millenial” problem. In fact, I’m pretty sure it was worse in past generations, as that was considered the norm. There was a whole popular TV show with grown ass men teaching others how to push past a woman’s boundaries to get sex. And that was like 10-20 years ago. The same stuff is said now, but

Ghost cars do exist.

I have to wonder... everyone knows Terry Richardson is a predator, and everyone says he comes off as a creep even when you're not one of his victims, so why does he still have so much clout?

This whole thead is hittingway too hard home for me.

I am almost more creeped out by Leslie Lessen's behavior than by Richardson's . How does she sleep at night? How does she justify pandering to his sick behavior? Does she get off on it, or does she just think it's part of the job? There is no way in hell I'd help my boss creep on women.

The entertainment industry is full of predators, sexual sadists, plain old sadists, and power trippers. Decision makers in his industry likely relate to the power trips he goes on in his catalog because they're mostly cut from the same cloth.

Frankly, most of the people Richardson rubs elbows with probably knows a few

Hahaha what a fucking stupid thing to say.

I feel like more of us need to realize that we ABSOLUTELY can get outraged at men (or women) who think it's okay to violate your body in any way. This is why we need to stop telling women/men to "smile" on command. This is why we need to stop telling little girls and boys that they MUST hug an adult stranger, family

My god. Thank you for sharing your story. And thank you for being honest about the pressure to have a so-called thick skin when it comes to degrading, sexist, and sometimes violent behavior. We've been taught for so long to just take it. All of it.