
Pictured: The woman's doctor.

It doesn't give me faith in humankind, only faith in Japanese people.

I've dealt a lot with doctors. I found only very few of them are actually good at their job.

I guess since the kid wasn't moving around much, it's proof that kids these days are just way lazier than their parents.

Claw marks on the inside of her uterus. general? You just have a low opinion of all doctors?

You can always tell a Milford man.

I didn't have a very high opinion of doctors to begin with but Jesus how could they miss this.

they should nickname him Buster

Why can't people eat in public?

You know it takes more than nipples to breast feed, right? There's a whole set of mammary glands that exist in the mammaries (that's boobs, for you. I assume you wouldn't know what that word means). The shame that exists around female breasts is completely manufactured. And the fact that this constructed system of

Many children can't drink out of bottles because the "nipple" on a bottle is not the same as an actual nipple. Even if the child could drink out of a bottle, mothers shouldn't be burdened with using a breast pump, storing breast milk, and transporting the breast milk. Babies also can't just eat on demand. They eat

someone really/loves slashes/even when/they make absolutely no/sense/and is/also a complete fucktwit.

There are plenty of societies that don't fetishize breasts. Pick up a fucking national geographic

We are not talking about sex. We are talking about a baby eating.

also, for breastmilk to carry HIV, the mother in question has to be HIV positive. you know that, right?

You are seriously pulling out the HIV argument right now. That's genuinely a thing that you are doing.

It's kind of nasty to bring up the transmission of HIV via breast milk in an article about women wanting to nurse in public without any reason either. I imagine mothers consider that before they breast feed their children, why did you feel the need to mention it?

God, I am in total admiration of these women. Willing to spend time in a Friendly's. So brave.

Yessssssssssss. I have two somewhat large lumps strapped to my chest that exist for exactly ONE biological purpose. I don't even have/want kids and I'd like people to stop telling me the biological purpose of my tits makes them uncomfortable. Well boohoo.